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Volunteer Development & Training

As a volunteer with Scouts Canada, you are required to complete basic mandatory training in order to become active and compliant. The following training is required upon registering as a volunteer:

Use the Scouts Canada webpage for all the resources for Scouter Development: 

Scouting Fundamentals Training

The Next Step - Wood Badge 1

Before you can count yourself as part of the ratio and within the first year of being a volunteer, you are also required to complete the full Wood Badge Part I (Milestone WB - MS1) for your role. 

Section and Support Scouters Require - Wood Badge 1 for The Canadian Path 

Group Committee Members Require - Wood Badge 1 for Group Committee 

Group Commissioners Require - Wood Badge 1 for Group Commissioners 

Online Training

All mandatory training is available online through E-learning on the David Huestis Learning Centre, accessible through your account.


  • Woodbadge Part 1
  • Facilitated Online Wood Badge Part I

    Miss the networking of the in-person Part I’s? Too much Fortnight happening at your house to use the internet? 

    Come out and take your online Wood Badge Part I for Canadian Path together 


    Date and Location: tbd

  • Woodbadge Part 2
  • About Wood Badge II

    Wood Badge II is the second part of Scouts Canada’s Volunteer development program which directly follows Wood Badge I. As part of Scouts Canada’s 5 Key Priorities for Success, Wood Badge II looks to increase Volunteer Support and Program Quality. Wood Badge II focuses on the practical application of the program facilitation and safety concepts learned in Wood Badge I, while introducing basic outdoor and Scouter support skills. 

    This training offers you a chance to further increase your knowledge and confidence in the section you are working. As well as developing a detailed plan for your section, you will obtain a wealth of tools and "trick of the trade" to take back and make your section meetings a joy to run. There will be comprehensive skills training. You will connect with dozens of Scouters just like you who will have lots to share and you will make a few friends for life. Once the Wood Badge is completed you will be invited to join a local Gilwell Club and an invitation to attend the annual Gilwellian leaders only camp in the second weekend of September every year.


    Date and Location: tbd

  • Youth Training Courses
  • If you are interested in Youth Training Courses in your Area, contact your Council Youth Commissioner.

  • Scouters Conferences
  • Scouters Conferences

     *Currently there are no Scouters Conferences available. Please do continue to check this page for upcoming conferences.*

  • Specialty Courses
  • Specialty Courses

    *Currently there are no specialty courses available. Please do continue to check this page for upcoming courses.* 

  • Self-Directed Learning
  • Wood Badge II for Canadian Path Self-Directed Learning

    Wood Badge II has been revitalized to incorporate Canadian Path methodology, making it more relevant for today’s Scouters. The new Wood Badge II program allows for self-directed learning, conducted through mentorship and coaching in addition to traditional courses and workshops. 

    The revitalized Wood Badge II framework uses new resources called Scouter Development Cards which can be used to help Volunteers build personal learning plans. 

    The Scouter Development cards are available at

    The Woodbadge II Guide is available here.


    Once you have completed your WB II, please download and fill out the following form. Follow the instructions on how to submit the form.

    CEC Request for Woodbadge 2

    Useful Resources

    Please check other Councils for additional options for training dates and locations. 


    Battlefields Council 

    Greater Toronto Council  

    Shining Waters Council 

    Tri-Shores Council 

    Voyageur Council 

    White Pine Council 

    For more information

    For more information or to send updates, contact Jennifer Levitt Birdsall.

    Email Jennifer