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At Scouts Canada, our mission is clear: to help develop well-rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world. Our mission impact is made possible by our everyday heroes - youth, volunteers, and staff. Together, they make Scouting great and vibrant in communities across Shining Waters. #ScoutsDoStuff

Spotlight on our Heroes

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Mission Impact

We commit to ensuring that every child has an opportunity to participate in Scouting. Many groups across Shining Waters Council went above & beyond to help more youth experience great, safe Scouting adventures than the year before.

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Top Section Awards

The Top Section Awards are an opportunity for youth to attain a meaningful accomplishment that is widely recognized and understood. The award requires a personal progression review, Outdoor Adventure Skills badges, community service hours, and a capstone project.

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Outstanding Services

We recognize the vital role Volunteers play in guiding youth as they pursue their paths through the program. Our Scouters form a partnership with youth, motivating them to discover their independence and capability through an engaged Scouting experience.

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Area Scouters

A big thank you to Scouters serving in an Area or Council capacity during the Area Support Model Era between 2002 and 2019. They made many great things possible. Our Area Scouters fostered a sense of community and comraderies between local groups.

Recognition Resources

Thank a Scouter

Saying Thanks to a Scouts Canada volunteer for their outstanding contributions to Scouting is this easy:

  • Any stakeholder to Scouting (volunteers, youth, parents, the community at large) can fill out a simple form to commend a Scouter for their outstanding act or service to Scouting.
  • Scouters will receive a certificate every time they are commended by a stakeholder and it will be presented within the Scouter’s section or group.
  • As Scouters accumulate commendations, they will become eligible for Outstanding Service Awards and will be recognized with a medal and uniform insignia for each award.

Would you like to thank a Scouter for their impact on you, your child or your community? Just hit the Thank You it’s that easy!

Thank a Scouter Today