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Meet the NS Council and Parent/Guardian Information Night

February 17, 2021

Dear fellow Scouters and Parents / Guardians,
Mark your calendars and join the Nova Scotia Council on February 28th, 2021 from 7:15pm - 8:15pm AST and meet the people that work on your behalf behind the scenes, including an opportunity for a Q & A .
Additionally, we will be providing information on current fundraising campaigns, upcoming events, and how parents and guardians can get involved as a parent-helper! 
We will be using Microsoft Office Teams - Click here to join the meeting . No need to pre-register!
Please forward this invitation to any families or friends that may be interested in joining our Scouting Community!
If you have questions or would like more information please do not hesitate to connect with Justin Dubreuil, Interim Council Relationship Manager : .
Yours in Scouting, 
Amy Kehoe - Council Youth Commissioner 
Zach Fitzsimmons - Council Commissioner 
Justin Dubreuil - Interim Council Relationship Manager