Get all the information you need on JOTT below! We can't wait to see you all there!
Who – Calling Scouting and Guiding of all age’s sizes and shapes!
What – The 40th Canadian Fellowship of Baden-Powell Guilds (Tri-Cities) is once again planning on hosting our international event for the worldwide family of Scouts. Where – təmtəmíxwtən/Belcarra Regional Park
When - Saturday May 14th, 2022 – 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Parking is now $2 per hour – maximum $12 starting at 10 am onwards. The Park can be very busy, so car pooling and early arrival is recommended. The Official Opening Flag Break will be at 9:30 a.m. The picnic shelters have been reserved for our exclusive use and although no formal closing, flag retirement will be at 2:30 p.m.
After walking, running, strolling, kayaking, kite flying, cycling, and piggy backing or by whatever means you devise to explore the park, be sure to be back to the picnic shelter between 11:30 and 1:30 as there will be the annual BBQ waiting for you!
Due to current Covid PHO, there are only a limited number of spots available so act now, plan ahead and register directly with Scouter Jim early so to not be disappointed and to ensure payment is made on time. This year Spring Break runs from March 12th – March 27th. Email your group name, section, contact scouter name, number of adults and youth plus number of hamburgers or smokies needed then Jim will follow up with you to fine tune and complete your registration.
Registration MUST take place before March 31st to ensure badges arrive on time. The cost is again only $5.00 per person which includes your hamburger or smokie, chip bag and drink but wait .... For those that register by March 31st the Guild will supply the JOTT25 participation badge as well – the 5th and last piece to the Bears! Afterwards, well if space permits, we hope to accommodate up to April 30th and while the cost is still $5.00, you will be responsible for obtaining your own badge as it will be too late for us to order it in time for the event – so it pays to register on time!
At the conclusion of this years JOTT, given new parking regulations, pandemic restrictions and site popularity and accessibility, a decision will be made as to the continuation of hosting JOTT, its format and or if another location would be suitable.
How – Beavers, Sparks, Cubs, Brownies may want to go on a nature walk, Troop, Guides might check out a hiking trail and work on award requirements and Ventures, Pathfinders, Rangers, Rovers might take on a challenge, partake in a service project or a historical survey of First Nation’s settlement – the sky’s the limit!
Contact: Scouter Jim Pound scouterjimp@gmail.com 604 944-1332