Event was made possible by the support from all our generous donors; by the assistance from many of our very kind and helpful Scouters; by the attendance of our eager Beavers and their parents and by the attendance of many special guests of honor i.e. the Scouter who started the first Beaver colony here in PCC 50 years ago, Ms. Nora Bell, and Richmond Mayor, Mr. Malcolm Brodie, to name a few. And most importantly, by the hard work and dedication of Katharine and Elliott Trueman. The day was filled with the sound of laughter from 330 Beaver Scouts!
Beaver 50th Birthday celebration is a Nationwide event but due to technical issues, we were not able to join the live Campfire. However, many PCC Colonies contributed to the recording of “Beaver Slapping One Paw” for the National Campfire. CLICK LINK to view National live Campfire recording
Just want to watch the PCC Beavers singing the Beaver Slapping One Paw - CLICK HERE (Note: Recording is created by Vivian Leung of 33rd Kerrisdale Scout Group)
To view PCC Beaveree short video created by Adelaide Chan, please CLICK HERE
VIEW The Coast News Report: June 7, 2024 by Sandra Thomas: https://www.coastreporter.net/local-news/sunshine-coast-beavers-part-of-50th-anniversary-celebrations-june-1-8967858