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52nd University Heights

Location: Saskatoon

Sponsor: N/A

Group Name: 52nd University Heights
Location: Beaver Scouts - Not Applicable
Location: Venturer Scouts - Not Applicable
Location: Scouts - Not Applicable
Location: Cub Scouts - Wednesday - 6:30 to 8:00 pm - Dr. John G. Egnatoff School, 225 Kenderdine Road, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 3V2
Group Contact: Al Shpyth
Role: Group Commissioner
Telephone (306) 374-0846 Cell (306) 250-4991
Group Information: The Group is all inclusive.
We currently have space for youth to register in the program.
Our group is co-ed.
The 52nd University Heights Group runs weekly section meetings winter, spring and fall (aka the school year)