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Program Partnerships

Scouts Canada STEM Program Partnerships

Scouts Canada is partnering with Canada’s leading STEM organizations to deliver an engaging, innovative and hands-on STEM program.

To help foster the curiosity and practical skills in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, Scouts Canada has developed and integrated STEM programming into our overall program. By providing informal educational activities for youth and young adults, aged 5 to 26, we hope to excite, engage and evoke a passion for STEM subjects and nurture the next generation of scientists, engineers and mathematicians.

We are partnering with some of Canada’s leading STEM organizations and working collaboratively to extend the reach and impact of our STEM programming among our 100,000 members across Canada. If STEM education and program delivery is part of your mandate, please connect with us to discuss further opportunities.

For more information about STEM partnerships, please contact us at

Partners & Supporters

