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5 Gender

Scouts is the Start of Being an Ally

Imagine a world where we’re all equally represented. Do activities related to #HeforShe, have a gender-balanced planning team for your next camp or collect supplies for a local gender-based, protection-from-violence shelter.

Everyone should have equal opportunities to live their best life regardless of gender. Learn how to challenge gender stereotypes and how you can become an ally to people of all genders! 

Are you ready for equality?

Everyone should have equal opportunities to live their best life regardless of gender. In Canada we are committed to advancing gender equality and protecting human rights. Learn how to challenge gender stereotypes and how you can become an ally!  


Activities for Equality for All


Life is Better When We All Count

  • How can you challenge stereotypes you come across? 
  • What are some ways to make a positive impact on gender equality? 
  • How can you show your support and be an ally to people of all genders? 


SDG 5 — Gender Equality

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