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9 Industry, Innovation
and Infrastructure

Scouts is the Start of New Ideas

Imagine a world filled with new ideas and discoveries. Innovate by drawing like an architect, finding ways to connect with people around the world, or living day without any electronic devices.

As the world changes, we need to be ready for the future. Let’s make sure that everyone can access technology and that the whole world can plan for the future.

Are you ready for the future?

With technology advancing and cities growing, innovation in planning for the future is critical to make our societies inclusive and sustainable. For Canadians, this means fostering more research and innovation so that everyone has access to modern infrastructures, like high-speed internet, electricity, and transport and building structures. Are you the next great Canadian inventor?

Some Inventive Ideas to Get Started!




Some More Solutions:

  • Take your inventions to the next level by submitting an idea to Little Inventors.
  • Learn more about the Canada Wide Science Fair and see how you can get involved!
  • Learn about how video games are made and try making your own with Scratch!


SDG Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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