- Do you know a local farm that you can visit? If not, where could you find information?
- When will you visit the farm?
- What would you like to learn while you are there?
- What will you need to bring on this adventure?
- Find a local farm that allows visitors. Before visiting, make sure it’s ok for you to visit and see if you can arrange for someone to show you around the farm.
- Visit the farm!
- Learn about how farms operate, and how they take care of their animals and the different crops they grow.
- What did you learn about farms?
- What was your favourite part of your visit?
- What did you learn about how farms impact our lives?
Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map
Keep it Simple
If you can’t visit a real farm, you can learn more about the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum – they have lots of great online activities and program that will teach you about all of the different things that farms do!
Take it Further
Can you help out at a farm? See if there are any programs near you that let you become a farmer! Learn about the different tasks that farmers do each day to help take care of their animals, crops and farm!