- When and where will you share your indoor camping Adventure?
- What should you pack?
- What will you eat?
- What games will you play?
- Will you spend any time outside?
- How might you help your indoor space have an outdoor look?
- Have a great indoor camping Adventure!
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- What games did you and your friends play?
- How did it feel to sleep in a sleeping bag in a tent?
- What did you learn about your equipment?
- What would you do differently next time?
- What have you learned that will help you camp outside someday?
- Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map
Keep it Simple
- Rather than camping overnight, plan a meeting night where you can practise setting up tents, setting up a sleeping area, and getting into your sleeping bag.
- If you can, practise moving around using a flashlight. Turn off the lights (you can even do this at home), and practise moving around an area using your flashlight to guide you!
Take it Further
- Challenge yourself to only go indoors to sleep. Plan the rest of your camping activities outdoors and see what it feels like to be outdoors for a whole day! How will you cook meals outdoors?