- How many people are taking part?
- How can everyone light fires while Leaving No Trace?
- What skills do you have to bring to this adventure?
- What skills do you need to learn and who can help you learn them?
- Responsibly gather natural kindling and fuel (Leave No Trace)
- Lay fire
- Light fire using a method other than matches or a lighter!
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- How did you handle this activity?
- What would you do differently in the future?
- How did you feel during this challenge?
- What were some highlights?
Keep it Simple
- It will be a lot easier to light a fire using a spark if you know how to build a good fire! Practise your fire building skills and perfect your one match fire.
Take it Further
- Lighting a fire with a single spark is often done with the help of man-made materials, like cotton balls and Vaseline. Try lighting your fire using a spark and natural materials, like sap or bark.