- When and where will you share this adventure?
- What do you need to make a stop-motion movie?
- What medium will you work with? Clay? Paper? Models? Lego? Something else?
- Will you have a script for your movie?
- How long will your movie be? How long will it take to shoot?
- How will you share your movie with others? Will you have a screening for your Section? Will you post it online (remembering those safe Scouting habits)?
- Stop motion movies are a series of photos, where each photo is a tiny bit different from the one before it.
- Before you start snapping photos, create a short script. What will your movie be about? How will your subjects move?
- Between each photo you take, move your subjects slightly. The slight change in each photo will create the illusion of movement!
- Use software or an app to string your photos together and create your movie!
- Share your movie with the rest of your Section!
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- How did you work as a team to produce your movie?
- How do you feel about your final product?
- How did it feel to share your movie with others?
- What would you do differently next time?
Keep it Simple
- Make a stop motion video to teach a Scouting skill, like tying a knot or setting up a campsite.
Take it Further
- Choose a movie trailer or short animated film. Recreate it as best you can using stop motion!