- What supplies do you need for this activity?
- What design will you put on your lantern?
- How will you make sure that you are safe throughout the process of making your lantern?
- Take a tin can that has been cleaned and remove its label.
- Fill it with water and let it freeze – it is much easier to use a can with ice in it than an empty can.
- Create a steady surface for your can – you can make one out of snow or create one from wood or other materials.
- Once your can is frozen, draw your design onto it using a permanent marker. The open end of the can is the top, so make sure your design is facing the right way.
- Punch out the design carefully using a hammer and awl (or other similar materials)
- Once you’ve punched out your design, punch two more holes on the opposite sides of the top of the can and thread a wire through it. Use pliers to fold the ends of the wire.
- Let the ice in your tin can melt – leave them in a sink or somewhere else that the water can easily drain.
- Place a light at the bottom of the can and admire the glow of your work!
- What was the most challenging part of this adventure?
- If you were to do this adventure again, what would you do differently?
- Tin can (cleaned and with the label removed), with ice frozen inside
- Design template
- Permanent marker
- Awl and hammer
- Light
Keep it Simple
- Use the same principle but rather than making a tin can lantern, make a mini version using a toilet paper tube and punch holes using a pencil with a piece of clay held behind to support. Use a battery-powered light to create a light safely.
Take it Further
- Create a series of designs on your lanterns that tell a story or try for a more challenging design like your Group crest or badge!