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Training & Development

Scouts Canada insists its Volunteers have training so that they can increase their skills, competency and knowledge to deliver better programs and further enhance the experience for youth and adults. is a tool designed to help you manage your Scouting life! Making it easier for parents to register and for volunteers to run successful programs, delivers easy-to-use resources and tools, such as user-friendly member setup, online registration, renewal and payment, event management and online collaboration tools. Self-registering for your Scouting program, taking Scouter development training at home, and keeping your information and accomplishments up-to-date has never been easier!


Scouting Fundamentals Training

Before you put on the Scout Uniform and start working with youth, you need to be Scouter ready. This means that you have passed Scouts Canada’s screening process and have completed Scouting Fundamentals training.

Scouts Canada offers Wood Badge I courses in 2 different formats:

  • Online Training: through the David Huestis Learning Centre on
  • In-person Training: Courses and workshops typically take place over a weekend or a series of evenings. Contact your local Council to explore the courses in your community.

David Huestis Learning Centre

The David Huestis Learning Centre is Scouts Canada’s eLearning platform and makes it convenient and easy to gain the skills and knowledge you need to facilitate a quality Scouting program.

Wood Badge in Canada

Scouts Canada divides Wood Badge into two parts: Wood Badge I and Wood Badge II. Wood Badge I focuses on helping Scouters acquire basic program facilitation knowledge and is typically completed in the form of eLearning. Scouters are required to complete their Wood Badge I within 365 days of registering for their volunteer role.

Wood Badge II

Wood Badge II is the second part of Scouts Canada’s Volunteer development program. Wood Badge II looks to increase Volunteer Support and Program Quality.

Wood Badge II has been revitalized to incorporate Canadian Path methodology, making it more relevant for today’s Scouters. The new Wood Badge II program allows for self-directed learning, conducted through mentorship and coaching in addition to traditional courses and workshops. The Wood Badge II framework uses new resources called Scouter Development Cards which can be used to help Volunteers build personal learning plans.

Wood Badge II for Section Scouters Guide

Wood Badge II For Support Scouters

Support Scouters have a pivotal role in facilitating Wood Badge II for Section Scouters. The Wood Badge II — Support Scouter Guide explains how Support Scouters can help facilitate Wood Badge II through courses and workshops, coaching and mentoring, and self-directed learning.

Wood Badge II Support Scouter Guide

In-Person Training

Course Training Standards

In-Person Support Resources

In-section Training

The Support Scouter and Plan-Do-Review

This in-Section training is intended for use by Support Scouters to enable them to work directly with a Scout Group Section to demonstrate elements of The Canadian Path. Through this in-person workshop, the Support Scouter will demonstrate and explain the process of Plan-Do-Review for Section Scouters in their meeting environment and give them an opportunity to try out the mode. This occurs in a very supportive environment, as the Section Scouters have opportunities to ask questions during the demonstration and in the review that follows the meeting. Through the exercises, the Section Scouters will also see the inter-relatedness of all the elements of The Canadian Path.


In-Section Training

Health Checks

Group Health Navigator

Additional Training Resources



The Online Support Centre (OSC) is Scouts Canada’s virtual Help Centre. It is a collection of articles designed specifically for Scouters to help find answers to frequently asked questions. From step-by-step directions on how to navigate MyScouts, to detailed articles on volunteer screening, to best practices on almost every topic, the OSC will help simplify your Scouting experience.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Submit a request through the OSC and our Help Centre team will be happy to assist you.

Online Support Centre