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Beyond 2025 Beyond 2025
Three trianges


As you may know, we're working on a new strategy for Scouting in Canada that will capture the dreams and goals of young people prepared for success — now and in the future. This new strategy will guide the actions we take nationally and locally to provide life changing opportunities to hundreds of thousands of young people, not tens of thousands.

Over the past few months, we spoke to young people, parents, volunteers and staff to find out what they need to know to come up with great ideas for the next strategy. We heard you wanted to know more about trends impacting young people today, how other organizations are responding and the current state of Scouting in Canada. 

We are excited to share these findings with you and ask for your reactions on what resonates, what’s missing and what should be included in the next strategy.

Take a look at the documents and videos below and let us know what you think should be included in the strategic plan.

Submit your feedback

Review of the 2021–2025 Strategic Plan

What progress have we made on our current Strategic Plan?

Since 2021, we have been focused on creating more spaces locally, realizing opportunities nationally and building stronger foundations for the future. This session will provide key insights into the impact we have made against key priorities like building a better program, engaging new audiences and reconciliation.

 Strategic Plan Review

The World Around Us

What societal trends and debates will young people be impacted by in the future?

Here you will be able to explore what outside factors and trends will have the most impact on young people and Scouts Canada in the next ten years such as trends in digital advancements, and the future of education, skills and employment. We are also speaking with National organizations like Imagine Canada to understand the state of the not-for-profit sector to gain insights on where our next strategy should focus. 

 Bruce MacDonald — Imagine Canada

 Sara Austin — Children First Canada

 Sara Lyons — Volunteer Canada

 Valentina Castillo Cifuentes — Youth and Innovation Project

How Youth Work is Responding

What are other youth and volunteer organizations planning and preparing for?

We are learning from other organizations like the Girl Guides of CanadaOutward Bound and others to understand how they are responding to the challenges and opportunities facing young people today. While, National Scout Associations, World Scouting and similar experts are giving us different perspectives on how to implement an impactful program.  

 Andrew Young — Outward Bound

 Diana Carrillo — World Scouting

 Holly Palen — Environment and Climate Change Canada

 Sarah Govan-Sisk — Girl Guides of Canada

Scouting in Canada

What do families, young people and volunteers think about Scouting today, and what do they hope for the future?

By speaking with those in and outside of Scouting we are taking time to learn about ourselves- what families, young people and volunteers think about us today and what they hope for in the future. Through surveys, focus groups and review of existing data we are finding out how our program, reputation and member experiences are and are not keeping young people and volunteers thriving in Scouting.


 Scouting in Canada — Inclusivity

 Scouting in Canada — Membership and Waitlist