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Beyond 2025 Beyond 2025
Three trianges

Phase 1: Creating our planning process

Purpose: Create a way to make a plan that gets ideas from people in and outside of Scouting.

What we’ll do: Draft a proposed process for creating a new plan, and principles to underpin it, and consult young people and volunteers on what they like and don’t like about it.

  • Young people and power: You want young people to have more than just a voice. Insights collected showed a strong desire to give them power so the new strategy is youth-driven and youth-approved.
  • Continuous engagement: You want two-way communications that makes sure your voice is heard and that we report back on what we heard, what we will be doing with your insights, and what we will not be doing. Once the new strategy is launched you want to stay up to date on how it is going and how you can get involved.
  • Transition period: You want time to prepare for any changes that come from the new strategy and clarity on the goals we are looking to achieve.
  • Existing channels & events: You asked that we integrate engagement opportunities with existing channels like the network, newsletters & social media. There was interest in creating opportunities to gather your great ideas at Camps, Council Meetings, ScoutCons and other events.
  • Local scouting: You suggested that we empower local Scouting to collect ideas from their own Scouting community. To do so successfully it was requested that we provide tools, resources and ways to feed what you learn back to us.
  • Engaging youth: We heard loud and clear that we need to engage youth differently than we do adults. Trail cards, activities and games were recommended for Beaver and Cub aged youth, while digital communications is how to reach those between the ages of 14 to 26.
  • Outside perspectives: You want to know what others think of Scouting and what it would take for them to join. You suggested we should have a presence at community events, engage with parents/carers and connect with like minded-organizations.

The timeline for creating a new plan will be:

  • Discovery (June to September 2024): We will find out what is currently working, what is not and, what the public thinks to help us decide what we want to achieve.
  • Vision (October to December 2024): Together, we will craft a clear & exciting Vision for the future.
  • Ideation (January to March 2025): We will co-design ways to make our vision a reality.
  • Testing (April to June 2025): We will check back in with a draft plan to make sure it works for our members and families outside of Scouting.
  • Launch (July to September 2025): We will tell everyone about the new plan — inside & outside of Scouts.
  • Action plan (October 2025 to March 2026): We will put resources in place for Local Scouting, Councils and National Teams to act on the plan and we'll monitor to make sure it is working.

Principles that will guide how we create a new plan:

  • Connection: Everyone, especially young people, adult volunteers, Group Commissioners, and staff, will see the plan as their own.
  • Outward looking: We will listen to & reflect the thoughts and ideas of those not in Scouting- like parents, families, young people and experts.
  • Power & young people: Young people will have more than a voice; they will be given real power to make decisions and take action.
  • Common purpose: The goals of the plan will be clear so staff, adult volunteers, and young people know how to help; and so we can see what’s working and what needs to change.
  • Embedded & resourced: At implementation, we will have an action plan and know what finances, people, and support is needed to reach our goals.
  • Sustainability & capacity: We will make sure the plan works for young people now and in the future; and that local Scouting, Councils and National Teams have what they need to take action.
  • Agile & flexible: We will be ready for change and remain flexible so we can adjust our plans and actions when things don’t go as expected or when new ideas arise.
  • Beyond 2025 Update: Agreeing a Process (COMING SOON)