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Forms & Documents

Council-specific forms and document downloads can be found below. If you can't find what you're looking for, please try searching Scouts Canada's National database.


Individuals needing letters to present when applying for Police Records Checks OR with information for applying through the BC Ministry contact their Group Commissioner/Committee Chair.

Group Commissioners/Committee Chairs needing PRC letters and/or Ministry information for their members should contact

Risk Management

Emergency Response Plan — Junior Sections

Emergency Response Plan — Senior Sections

Incident Report Form

First Aid Kit Usage

Certificates of Insurance

Any requests for certificates of insurance the group can send those to  if the vendor needs to be listed as insured the group should include a copy of the signed agreement and if not already included on the agreement: Full Legal Name of organization, Full legal address, full name of contact as well as their title, phone number and email contact information.

About West Registration is the shared email address for Member Services Registrars in Western Canada. 


  • Use to seek support with Registration, Volunteer Readiness and MyScouts. 
  • Note that the email address now directs through the Helpcentre - making it easier for us to track your inquiries 
  • Use clear subject lines to highlight your needs (e.g. "BackCheck Invitation request", "Scouter training status inquiry", "Youth volunteer registration help", "Group Committee role change needed", "References status check"); indicating your Council and Group can be helpful too 
  • Include names if you're asking about or inquiring on behalf of a particular Scouter, parent or youth. 
  • Trust that we do our very best to respond in a timely manner and in the order received. 
  • Be aware that you may receive replies from Member Services Registrars in other parts of the country (and that we in turn may provide support to other parts of the country) depending on regional volume. The aim here is to equalize support to all of our members and prospective member families. 


The National Subsidy Program, No One Left Behind, can help with membership fees and required program uniform or equipment. 

Membership Fees:

Begin registration and find a group near you at

The No One Left Behind Membership Subsidy is based on income and family size and can cover up to 80% of our annual fee. 

Parents can now apply for financial assistance to help pay for uniforms, equipment, and program activity fees directly through their MyScouts account by selecting the NOLB Fund Request option.

Most applications will be assessed immediately, and the Group will be notified of any funds that are disbursed. Groups are responsible to allocate the funds appropriately for the intended purpose. For more information, please see the No One Left Behind (NOLB) Participation Subsidy Procedure.

Uniform & Equipment Costs (Participation Subsidy):

Groups are able to request funding to provide a uniform or equipment needed for program (eg. sleeping bag, snow shoes, etc) to youth who can't afford it. If you need financial assistance for uniform or equipment, please reach out to a Scouter in your group to request it. Note that these funds are granted to the Group, not the individual, so the Group maintains ownership of the equipment provided.

It's our goal to remove whatever barriers we can to offer our program to youth. We look forward to welcoming you to Scouting.


Participation Subsidy Form

CIBC & Scouts Canada

Exclusive offers and solutions designed for Scouts Canada, including Group bank accounts and Scout volunteer personal banking offers.

For Groups needing a letter: contact and use:

Subject Line: “CIBC letter [Group Name] - Attention Debbie Maw” 

In the body of text include:

  • Full Name of group

  • List of 3 expected signing authorities – Include full name of Scouter and their SC title

  • Name and address of the CIBC bank branch they wish to open the account with

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