Challenge 1 | OCTOBER 4-10
Sustainable Development Goal: #14 Life Below Water
Partner: Ocean Wise
Country: Australia
Meeting Length: 20 min–1 hour
Gadget: Rope
Challenge 1
Makin' Waves
As your Section embarks on adventures to get Around the World in 60 Days, you will be able to see first-hand how easily activities can connect and further the impact of various SDGs.
If youth are interested in exploring certain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or topics more, dive into the dozens of activities in the Activity Finder to continue building connections in your program.
As individuals, it can feel impossible to change the world. Good thing that no Scout acts alone! We are part of a global movement that includes all of Scouts Canada’s members, along with National Scout Organizations across the world! Together, we are all working toward bettering the planet we share.
Are you ready to rove around the world with Scouts Canada? Get ready, you’re in for a 60-day adventure that will take you across the globe! Ping to different destinations quickly using this transporting compass. Hold on tight, here we go!
It’s your first time using the transporting compass. While you were aiming for Argentina, you somehow find yourself in Queensland, Australia! Thankfully, you’re near one of the best places on the planet for studying marine life—the Great Barrier Reef.
We depend on oceans, rivers and lakes every day for transportation, food and enjoyment. Oceans are important for regulating the planet’s temperature, but they are suffering from overfishing and plastic pollution. What can we do to help our waterways?
You might already be doing some great Goal #14 Life Below Water activities with your Section like pond dips, shoreline cleanups or finding ways to use less plastic. How will you get to the Great Barrier Reef to further explore Life Below Water, and put sustainable methods of water transportation into play?
Build a raft or boat and sail into the Coral Sea to explore the rich biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef! Bring your GADGET (Rope) with you on the boat—it’ll come in handy on your adventures later on.