The Worldwide Network
SCENES is a World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) initiative. There are currently 14 SCENES centres worldwide, in such diverse places at Costa Rica, Africa and the Swiss alps!
As a member of the Worldwide Network, Canada has played a role in the shaping of SCENES policies and in helping camps in other countries achieve accreditation. Canada has participated, and will continue to participate, in conferences where member countries of the Network share best practices and shape the future of camp environmental programming and management.
To read the Scenes charter and to learn about other SCENES centres, visit the SCENES web site.
Attawandaron Scout Reserve
Accredited in late 2014, Attawandaron Scout Reserve is Scouts Canada’s third SCENES Centre, which consists of 77 ha. (190 acres) of Oak Savanna forest and sand dune geology, which has become rare in North America. As a result, it contains a significant number of species at risk, designated by both the Ontario and Canadian Governments. Attawandaron is protecting the rare natural habitat, undertaking conservation measures where required and at the same time providing enriched outdoor and camping experiences for all Scouting ages, spring, summer, fall and winter.
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Haliburton Scout Reserve
Accredited in mid 2015, Haliburton Scout Reserve (HSR) is the fourth accredited SCENES Centre, which serves as Canada’s largest Scout camp, located in The Haliburton Highlands in Central Ontario. With one fifth (1/5) of the property, 1100ac (500ha), being water, the package of forest, 13 lakes and ponds, 13 sections of rivers and streams, 15 marshes, and 3 beaver ponds in varying stages of succession, provides wilderness homes for a large assortment of animals, fish, birds, insects, and a significant variety of trees, shrubs, and plants.
Blue Springs Scout Reserve
Accredited in 2005 and re-certified in 2008 and 2013, the Blue Springs Scout Reserve is Canada’s first SCENES centre, and one of the first worldwide.
Popular programs include: World Scout Environment Camps (where participants can earn the World Environmental Award and practice Leave No Trace camping), Eco-Spirit Hike (at the end of a hike, youth are asked to take an imaginative journey into the past where Spirit characters tell the story of how their lives intertwine with the natural), Spring Things & Flap Jacks (youth experience firsthand how trees are tapped for maple syrup and get to “HEAR” via stethoscopes the sap running through the trees, followed by a breakfast of Flap Jacks and syrup), Earth Hour Campfire, JOTT (Jamboree on the Trail) and Hammock Camp (where Scouts learn about very light weight camping, so as to minimize their impact on Nature).
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Camp Nemo
Accredited in 2008, Camp Nemo is the second Canadian SCENES centre and home to the Hencher Interpretive Centre for Outdoor Program (HICOP), a combination of nature, visitor and program centre. The Centre is staffed, on weekends, with trained youth and adult interpreters. It provides program opportunities for youth to earn relevant badges and awards and training for adult leaders. It is filled with displays and activities, centered on nature and environmental themes. It also provides activities such as guided interpretive hikes, bird box monitoring, environment monitoring, challenges, crafts and games.
Becoming a SCENES Centre
Interested in getting your camp accredited as a SCENES centre and joining the network? See the Canadian requirements for full details. After reviewing the requirements, contact us. We have a team of dedicated volunteers who will gladly share their experience and know how and help you achieve this important international accreditation.