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Organizing a Kub Kar & Scout Truck Rally

At the Kub Kar Rally, the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts race their Beaver Buggies, Kub Kars and Scout Trucks for trophies. For Beavers, the wooden Beaver Buggies can be assembled and decorated all in one meeting. For Cubs and Scouts, it takes longer. The kids design, cut out using carpentry tools, and partially assemble their wooden vehicles in one meeting, and then take them home to finish assembling, painting, decorating, etc. At the next meeting, the vehicles are weighed and youth practice running them on the track in preparation for the Rally. Trophies are given out for speed and best design for Beaver, Cubs and Scout races.


1) The rally is a provincial rally, open to all registered Cubs across PEI for the Kub Kar Rally and to all registered Scouts across PEI for the Scout Truck Rally.  Both races are held on the same day, traditionally with the Cubs racing in the AM and the Scouts in the PM.  The rally can be held at any date during the year but typically is held some time in the spring of the year on a Saturday, to ensure all youth have a chance to finish their cars/trucks.

2) A rally consists of a series of heats.  A heat is over when each racer has raced once in the heat.  It will require a number of races to finish the heat.  e.g. if there are 12 racers registered for the cars they will race three cars per race.  This will require 4 races to accomodate all cars.  Each heat will consist of 4 races.  Once the first heat is finished the second heat will begin.  In each heat racers will race against different opponents.  Race opponents are chosen to maximize the number of different cars each participant races against.

3) Kars race three per race, using all three lanes of the provincial track.  Trucks race two per race, only using the outside two lanes of the track since they are wider and there is no room on the middle track for a third truck.

4) Each car/truck MUST be designed and built by the Cub/Scout.  Some guidance and assistance is allowed but the intention is not to be a race between parents but the Cubs/Scouts themselves :-)

5) Each car/truck MUST fit within the official size (there is a box for sizing at the rally) and within the official weight (there is a scale at the rally).  Typically, the closer cars/trucks are to the official weight the faster they will go.  Official sizes and weights are indicated in the downloadable documents in the "Rules" section below.

1) Arrange to get trophies for the kids.  Darlene will order the trophies from the Scout Shop and pay for them from the provincial account.  Try to give her at least a month's notice to order them and get them engraved to make sure everything is in on time and available the day of the race.  Trophies are typically awarded for:

 - Trophies for Kub Kar 1st, 2nd, 3rd for speed

 - Trophy for Kub Kar Best Design

 - Trophies for Scout Trucks 1st, 2nd, 3rd for speed

 - Trophy for Scout Trucks Best Design

 - Crests for all entrants (there should be some crests left from the previous year - check with CRM).  Based on past events, there will be 20-30 Scout Trucks and 60-70 Kub Kars in the provincial rally though this can vary.

- will do custom crest design for very reasonable prices (contact them for a quote on 150 crests)

- A variety of smaller prizes when the awards are handed out makes for a lot of fun!! e.g. craziest, fastest looking car, best nautical theme, best Scout theme etc...

2) Try to arrange prizes for the kids.  Prizes don't need to be there but are a nice touch.  Darlene may have prizes at the Scout Office, this is the best option since the prizes are already available and won't add to the cost of the rally.  They don't have to be expensive e.g. $5-10 for 3rd, $10-15 for 2nd, $15-20 for 1st and Best Design, as a rough guideline.    Prizes are typically awarded for:

 - Trophies for Kub Kar 1st, 2nd, 3rd for speed

 - Trophy for Kub Kar Best Design

 - Trophies for Scout Trucks 1st, 2nd, 3rd for speed

 - Trophy for Scout Trucks Best Design

3) Get a headcount. It may be a good idea to personally touch base with each of the Group contacts to make sure everyone knows about the rally and get a rough idea of the number of youth who may attend (for ordering crests) but this isn't necessary.

4) Line up a local sponsor or two for the event. e.g. known Scout friendly businesses, car dealerships etc...  The cost of the rally typically runs around $300-$350 with prizes.  If you can get prizes donated or get some from Darlene at provincial council this will lower the cost.  For 2009/2010 the crests/trophies cost $245 and the prizes were donated.  We picked up a few supplies (tape, washers) that rounded out the cost to $300 even.

5) Get the track from the provincial office.  Unless you're a 7 foot 6 football player bring two people to carry the box, it's HEAVY and awkward. Contents of the track box are:

 - The track itself - 6-7 pieces of track

 - Yellow "Do Not Cross" tape

 - Possibly a roll of tape for attaching the yellow "Do Not Cross" tape to pylons etc...

 - Washers and screws for adding weight to underweight cars, if desired (many cars will be pre-weighted)

 - A dish of nuts/bolts for adding weight to the Scout Trucks

 - Scale for weighing the Kub Kars (this scale will not weigh the Scout Trucks because it will not weigh up to 1200 grams)

 - Screwdrivers for putting the track together

 - A few spare wheels and nails in case a car loses a wheel during the race.

 - the proper sizing box for the Kars and Trucks.  Kars and Trucks must fit INSIDE these boxes.

 - dice for determining racing opponents for the races.  See an alternative below, by using the new Master Rally Spreadsheets.

 - Stickers to put numbers on the cars

6) Line up the following items:

 - Some pylons or something similar to outline the track area.  These can come from power companies, telephone companies, department of transport etc... 

 - A roll of tape to attach the "Do Not Cross" tape to the pylons  Non participants shouldn't go inside the roped off area, only registered racers.

 - Something such as styrofoam tubing to keep the cars and trucks from rolling off the judging table

 - A bullhorn or microphone to announce who is racing next, unless you have someone who can out-yell the cheers of the crowd as the races occur

 - A set of scales to weigh the trucks. The trucks can weigh up to 1200 grams.  The cars can only weigh 142 grams.

 - A few spare weights for the Scout Trucks.  Old wheel balance weights from local garages can be used to bring trucks up to weight if they are under weight.

 - Signs for the registration tables.  1) "Weigh In" 2) "Pit Line" 3) "Registration"

 - Tools for the Pit area:

  • 1-2 Power Drills for drilling overweight cars, if necessary.  Use steel bits, not wood bits
  • 1-2 sheets of fine sandpaper for removing burrs from wheels
  • 3 sets of screwdrivers (make sure a small Robertson is present in each set)
  • 2 hammers
  • 1 hacksaw
  • 1 glue gun
  • 4 pairs of pliers for breaking car weights on overweight cars

 - Something soft for the Kars/Trucks to run into at the bottom of the track.  This can be coats from rally attendees, pillows etc...  The vehicles are moving quite quickly when they reach the bottom of the track.  Having a few lined up beside the track near the bottom isn't a bad idea either, in case cars jump the track.

 - if you wish to use the Master Rally spreadsheets request this from Council, you need to line up a laptop with MS Excel on it.  It can also help to have a projector/screen to show the results to the crowd.  Download the spreadsheets and read the instructions to see if you wish to use them.

 - If you wish to use a flip chart and bristol board you will need something to attach it to e.g. an easel, a column at the venue etc... 

- Past Rally Commissionners have all used the dice to determine racing opponents.  If you go this route make sure you know how to use the dice.

7) Arrange for volunteers for the event:

> Before the race (6-7 Volunteers)

 - 3 Registration people - one to operate the scales, one to measure the car/truck in the box and one to record names when the car passes inspection

 - 3-4 Pit Crew operators (don't go with less!!) to modify cars, adjust weights etc... as needed to officially register

> During the race (9 Volunteers)

 - 3 Finish Line Judges.  One for 1st place, one for second and one for third. The 1st place judge will call out the number of the 1st place car, the second place judge calls out the number of the 2nd place car and the third place judge calls out the number of the 3rd place car. If they can not decide who came in what place e.g. a tie with 2nd and 3rd then rerun the race.

 - 1 Scorekeeper

 - 1 Caller, to call out who is currently racing and who is on deck

 - 1 Starting line operator to trip the lever to begin the race

 - 1 person to pass cars to monitor the table of cars as racers retrieve their car

 - 1 pit crew operator in case a car breaks (not likely to happen)

 - 1 person to take pictures

8) Arrange a venue for the event, try to make it a public spot if possible.  We want to have sufficient room to hold all participants, volunteers and parents and it's great to use it as publicity for Scouting in general!  The venue should be somewhere close to where parents/youth can eat since the Kub Kar races typically run up to lunch time and the Scout Truck races start just after lunch.  NOTE: IF INSURANCE FORMS OR PROOF OF INSURANCE IS REQUIRED BY THE VENUE THIS MUST BE ARRANGED THROUGH CRM!

9) Communitcate with all PEI Sections. Notify all groups as much in advance as possible, to give everyone time to complete their kars/trucks and to allow people to set the weekend aside.  This should be done in the form of an e-mail sent through CRM, who has the most recent contact information for all groups across PEI.

10) Questions? If you have additional questions talk to someone who has done this before, contact the PEI Council.

11) Only registered Scouters should be participating in the event.  That means they should not be attending if the registration fee is not yet paid.  This reminder can go out to the various groups through CRM.

12) Rough timeline for the races, to communicate to the groups and keep in mind on race day.

07:45 - Set up the registration tables, pit tables, track and roped off area.
08:30 - Registration for Kub Kars
09:30 - Kub Kar races begin
11:45 - Kub Kar Final races held
12:00 - Kub Kar prizes awarded
12:15 - Non-member races e.g. parents or non registered youth
12:00 - Lunch Break for volunteers
12:30 - Registration for Scout Trucks
13:00 - Scout Truck Races begin
14:30 - Scout Truck Final races held
14:45 - Scout Truck prizes awarded
15:00 - Non-member races e.g. parents or non registered youth
15:30 - Track tear down

Each race should take roughly 80-90 seconds to run by the time the kars are lined up, the race is run, the score is recorded and the next racers are ready.  Cubs usually take a bit longer than Scouts as they are younger and race in threes instead of twos.


2010 Kub Kar Rules:

1) Every Kar must be a current model - no racing last year's car.

2) Kars must be built from official Kub Kar kits

3) No other nails for the wheels may be used than those supplied in the kit.

4) Kars must not exceed an overall weight of 5 ounces or 142 grams

5) Kars must not exceed an overall length of 7 inches or 180mm

6) Kars must not exceed an overall width of 2 ¾ inches or 70 mm

7) No suspension system of any kind is allowed.

8) Kars can not be altered or lubricated in ANY way after the Kar has been registered.

9) The minimum distance between the wheels is 1 ¾ inches or 4.5 cm

10) Kars must run on all 4 wheels

11) Wheel profile (size) must not be changed

12) Each Kar must pass inspection before it can compete.

13) Only the Cub Kar owner can race the Kar.

14) The judge’s decision is final


2010 Scout Truck Rules:

1) Every truck must be a curent model - no racing of last year's truck

2) Trucks must be built from an official 18 wheeler Tractor Trailer kit available from the Scout Shop.

3) Truck specifications are:

 - overall length of 44.5 centimeters

 - overall width of 8.5 centimeters

 - overall height of 11.5 centimeters

 - overall mass of the truck can not exceed 1200 grams

4) All parts of the truck must be securely fastened

5) Each truck must pass inspection prior to the race

6) Only the Scout owner can race the truck

7) The size of the wheels can not be changed

8) No lubricants of any kind can be used after it has been registered

9) Once the truck has been inspected and registered, it can’t be altered in any way

10) The decision of the judges is final

** If trucks are over weight, they will have to be lightened. If they are too light, it is the responsibility of the Scout to decide if he/she wants to add weight and must supply the weights. This process must be completed BEFORE registration takes place.

1) Make sure to read the official rules for Cars and Trucks, emailed to your Scouter.

2) No liquid lubricant can be used on the vehicles since it gums up the track

3) A dry lubricant called Powdered Graphite (usually available at Canadian Tire) can be used to lubricate the wheels of the cars/trucks to reduce friction

4) Make sure not to put decorations on the car that increase the width/height/length beyond allowed dimensions e.g. no headlights that stick out of the front of the car, exhaust pipes out the side of the car etc...  This can only be done if the decorations are within the dimensions prescribed in the official rules for Cars and Trucks.

5) Alignment of the wheels is very important to the speed of the car.  Use the wheel slots pre-cut into the car so the car will not scrape the track but care should be taken to keep the wheels straight.  To test the car, place it on a slight incline and roll it.  The car should roll smoothly and run straight.

6) There are official Cub Car weight kits meant to be embedded in the cars.  These are available at the Scout Shop, just search for "Pit Kit Kub Kar".  The kit comes with two weights and three extra wheels/pins.  The weights are meant to be put into a recessed area on the bottom of the car e.g. a spot that has been routered out of the bottom etc...  This gives the car it's additional weight but keeps it aerodynamic.  Cars can also be drilled and weights inserted into the car, just be sure you can easily get the weights out if the car is overweight when it arrives at the rally.

7) Reduce friction as much as possible.  Air friction, track friction and wheel friction will all slow down your car.  Try to reduce friction between wheels and axles, between wheels and the car body and between wheels and the guide rail.  When the car races it does not sit between two gide rails, it sits on top of a guide rail. Friction can be reduced by sanding or polishing wheels and axles and making sure the car runs straight.

8) Paint the car early and paint often.  This will improve looks of the car but is also good for speed.  If paint is not well dried before the wheels are put on the paint will still be tacky and stick to the wheels, causing more friction.

9) Choose an aerodynamic car design

10) There are plenty of websites out there with good ideas for design and tips and tricks for speed.  Most of them refer to Pinewood Derby races - these are the USA equivalent of the Canadian Kub Kar Races.  Use these site for ideas etc... but make sure to follow the PEI rules above all!!

11) PLEASE REMEMBER - this is meant to be a fun and educational exercise for youth, not a race between parents.  There is a parents race at the end of the youth races.  ALL parents are encouraged to design and race a car on race day - show them how it's done, but let them design and build their own car :-)  Some guidance and assistance is allowed by parents, particularly for younger members but should be restricted to guidance and assistance where possible.

12) You can take your car to a grocery store etc... to get it weighed and bring it close to the 142 gram (5 ounce) maximum weight.  The official scale used at the rally has the final say for maximum weight.  Even if you've measured it at the store and it weighs exactly 142 grams the official scale is still final for weights.  This is done to keep things consistent and fair for all Cubs at the rally.  Make sure any added weight can be easily removed, the pit crew doesn't want to drill your car if it's overweight but they can't let you race if the car weight shows over on the official scale.  This has been the source of a lot of frustration in the past so we want it to be clear :-)

13) Try to arrive a bit early on race day in case modifications need to be done to the car.

1) Arrive in lots of time to set up the registration, pit and car holding tables.  The slowest part of the whole day is usually the registration table so a good setup makes things flow more smoothly.

 - There should be three lines formed and there should be a sign for each one.

   a) First Line everyone goes to is a line for the scales and sizing boxes to determine if weight and dimensions are OK and direct the car either to register or go to the pits for modifications

   b) A registration line to take the names of the youth after the car weight is verified.  This can be done with a laptop and the Master Rally spreadsheets or with a pen and paper.  As each youth registers, hand out a participation crest.

   c) A pit line for modifications e.g. trim car, remove weight, add weight etc...

 - There is no tolerance on the weight of vehicles, they have to be on or under the official weight by the official scales on race day.  If they are over the weight has to come down in some way.  This is done in the pit area.  Probably 30-40% of cars will end up in the pits.

 - Kars and Trucks must fit INSIDE the official sizing boxes (one for kars, one for trucks) that come with the track.  If they cannot fit inside the official box they must be trimmed in some way to fit inside.  Note, we were somewhat lenient on this.  Cars that were not made longer but were only painted were not fitting very well inside the box.  We let these go through or we would have been modifying a LOT of cars.  Use best judgement here.

 - When all cars/trucks are registered an impartial judge should choose a vehicle for best design (can be a combination of a couple of Scouters with a 3rd for a tie breaker)

2) Set up the pit tables.  Have at least 2 people ready to go at registration time.  The line will get long very fast.

 - Tools for the Pit area:

  • 1-2 Power Drills for drilling overweight cars, if necessary.  Use steel bits, not wood bits
  • 1-2 sheets of fine sandpaper for removing burrs from wheels
  • 3 sets of screwdrivers (make sure a small Robertson is present in each set for removing weights)
  • 2 hammers (various purposes)
  • 1 hacksaw (sometimes parts have to be cut)
  • 1 glue gun (for reattaching decorations on drilled cars etc...)
  • 4 pairs of pliers for breaking car weights on overweight cars, you need two pair, one to hold each end.

3) Set up the track itself, this takes 20-30 minutes.  It's pretty easy to figure out and set up.  It's typically packed in the box in the order it should be set up.

4) Put the prizes for the race on display on a table.  Make sure to pass out the prizes with the trophies.

5) Set up the roped off area around the track using the pylons and yellow "Do Not Cross" tape.  Judges and scorekeepers are located inside this area.   Participating youth sit inside the roped off area so they don't wander off and are ready to race when their name/number is called.  Non participating youth and parents sit outside the roped off area.  Put something around the bottom of the track to stop the cars when they get to the bottom.  This avoids damage to cars and people!

6) Arrange volunteers for the their tasks for the day, both for the Kub Kar race in the AM and the Scout Truck race in the PM

7) Set up the flipchart and dice or the laptop for doing the race heats.

8) Make an announcement before the races start to welcome everyone.  Let the parents and youth know how the day works. Don't forget to add in an opening ceremony before racing gets started. 

9) Some tips while the races are on:

 - Practice runs on the track are not allowed

 - Don't do other things while the races are on, it detracts from the race itself and delays the event

 - After a car is registered, youth are not allowed to touch the cars until they race them

 - Only the youth can place their car on the track unless there is a prearranged alternate e.g. youth is sick and can't make it but still wants to race their car.  The starting line judge only instructs the youth which lane to put the cars in and to place the car properly

 - Have two groups of youth at a time by the track, those currently racing and those on deck.  Use the bullhorn or microphone to announce who is next unless someone has a loud voice and can just yell out the names.  After 200 or so races this could get hard on the throat :-)

 - Youth get their own car back from the judges at the finish line and place it back on the main table

 - Only the currently racing youth and those in the next group are allowed inside the roped off area

 - If a car jumps the track the race is rerun.  If it jumps the track a second time that car finishes last.

 - If a car breaks a wheel during a race it can be fixed up at the pit table by the pit crew

 - Run as many heats as you can in the scheduled time but don't go over.  Time your first couple of heats to see how long a heat takes.  The first heats will be a bit slower while people get used to their jobs.

 - When the races are on, make sure the person recording the rank of the cars and the three judges at the finish lines can easily see and hear each other since the noise level can be quite loud.

10) When the main heats are over, determine how many racers go to the final heats.  The best way is to select the lowest scores and have at least 6 racers in the final heats but try to have no more than 12.  The Master Rally Spreadsheets can be reset for the finals or a different copy of the spreadsheets can be used.  If using the flip chart and dice, determine the opponents using the dice.

11) Run the Non-scouters race after the main races are done

12) Repeat the process for the afternoon session with the Scout Trucks.

13) Tear down the track and carefully pack it away, putting it in the box in the order it was put together. Repack everything in the box.

1)  Send out an e-mail through CRM to all Scouters on PEI including:

 - Thanking everyone who attended

 - The results of the races and best design competition

 - Make sure to thank any sponsors, copy them on the e-mail if possible i.e. venue and those who donated prizes/money

 - Notification of any articles that may have been left behind (lost and found)

2) Collect any sponsorship money from the sponsors and turn this over to Darlene for deposit to the provincial account.

3) Return the track to the provincial office.