Changes to In-Person Capacity for Ontario and Quebec Groups in Stage 4
Hello Scouters,
The Ontario and Quebec governments have both announced recent or impending changes for provincial COVID regulations. All Groups in Voyageur Council had already entered modified Stage 4 Scouting, but these announcements will shift our in-person capacities.
As of July 16, all Ontario Groups will be remain under Stage 4 but with increased in-person capacity. The capacity rules in effect include a hard cap at 100 members outdoors and a hard limit of 25 members indoors, as required by Ontario legislation. Camping overnight is permitted for all Sections, using tents or outdoor shelters. Scouts Canada requires camping to be conducted in cohorts (see the Stage 4 Standard for specific details, in accordance with Ontario regulations for organized camps). Canoeing is also permitted once again for Pack, Troop, Company, and Crew Sections. In line with our principles and acceptable risk tolerance, some other Stage 4 requirements are stricter than new provincial requirements, such as maintaining social distancing at all times. These additional restrictions remain in effect. Remember, in all cases, the most restrictive requirement applies.
As of July 12, our Quebec Groups also have increased capacity under Stage 4 Scouting. The capacity rules in effect include a hard cap at 100 members outdoors and 50 members indoors. Camping and canoeing are also allowed in accordance with Scouts Canada's Stage 4 guidelines. Please note that in accordance with Quebec's sports and recreation guidelines, as well as guidelines for those singing or talking in indoor spaces, our 2m social distancing policy still applies.
New Info this Week: Scoutcraft 1 & 2
Other Info below: CVR Election Results, Youth Leadership Training Opportunities (Updated), & Council website (updated), Fall 2021 - Explorers Needed Announcement, Reconciliation Conversation Circle, 2021-2022 Fundraising Calendar, Camp Survey, Camp Opemikon Summer Family Camping, Call for Event Support Scouters, Behaviour Management Resources, 2022 Early Registration, Duke of Ed, Zero Waste, and more!
Have you checked out the News and Events section on scouts.ca? You can find great updates there along with new ideas, new resources, and much more! Click here to check it out!
COVID Stage Information
PHU Stages
- For Groups under all Ontario Public Health Units, all Ontario regions may operate under Modified Stage 4 Scouting as of June 30, 2021. In-Person capacities will increase on July 16, 2021.
- June 30: Hard cap at 25 members outdoors and a hard limit of 5 members indoors.
- July 16: Hard cap at 100 members outdoors and a hard limit of 25 members indoors.
- Continuing: Camping overnight for all Sections is permitted. Canoeing is permitted. Scouts Canada requires camping to be conducted in cohorts (see the Stage 4 Standard for specific details, in accordance with Ontario regulations for organized camps). In line with our principles and acceptable risk tolerance, some other Stage 4 requirements are stricter than new provincial requirements, such as maintaining social distancing at all times. These additional restrictions remain in effect. Remember, in all cases, the most restrictive requirement applies.
- All Voyageur Council Groups in the Outaouais/Gatineau region (QC) may operate under Stage 4 Scouting as of June 28, 2021. In-Person capacities increased on July 12, 2021.
- June 28: Hard cap at 50 members outdoors and 25 members indoors.
- July 12: Hard cap at 100 members outdoors and 50 members indoors.
Continuing: Camping is allowed in accordance with Scouts Canada's Stage 4 guidelines. 2m social distancing must be maintained.
Groups under the following Public Health Units can operate under tage 4 Scouting:
- Ottawa Public Health (map of Ottawa Public Health boundaries)
- Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit
- Eastern Ontario Health Unit
- Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Health Unit
- Renfrew County and District Health Unit
Groups in Voyageur Council within the province of Quebec can operate under Stage 4 Scouting. This includes all Groups under:
- Quebec-Outaouais Health
Around the World in 60 Days
Fall 2021 Program Advanced Announcement
Explorers Needed!
Coming Soon, October 2021: A new challenge and an even bigger adventure. Covering five continents and eight countries… are you ready for an expedition unlike any other?
Check out the video above for a teaser of what's to come, and also click on the button below to see a preliminary schedule of what we have planned!
There will be lots more to come in the weeks ahead, but we wanted to give everyone as much notice as possible to make this fall program a huge success
Click Here to Download the Preliminary Explorer's Needed Schedule
Scoutcraft 1 & 2 Combined
September 17-19, 2021 @ AHSR
Chuck Fraser is leading an outdoor skills course for Scouters, September 17-19, 2021, sponsored by 1st Glen Cairn, and to be held at Apple Hill Scout Reserve.
To register, please email Chuck directly to confirm your intention to attend, then complete the training application form available through the button below. Once this form is complete, email it to Chuck and send the registration fee by mail to the address at the bottom of the registration form (cheque payable to "Scouts Canada - 1st Glen Cairn Group Committee", for $30).
This course is an updated version of our Scoutcraft 1 and 2 courses and it include resources in support of the outdoor Scouter Development cards for the Canadian Path Wood Badge 2. For more information, download the course brochure by clicking the button below. Questions for clarification? Email Chuck at fraserchk@rogers.com.
Click Here to Download the Registration Form
Click Here to Download the Course Brochure
Council Voting Representative Election Results
Thank you to all the members of Voyageur Council that stood for election as Council Voting Representatives! Also, thank you to everyone who voted as part of the CVR elections.
The results of the election have been tallied and the final results are as follows:
- Elected (Youth): Paige Gladwin, paige.gladwin@scouts.ca
- Re-Elected: Cam Thomas, cam.thomas@scouts.ca
- Elected: Rod Wilson, rwilson@scouts.ca
These three members will represent Voyageur Council as CVRs from July 8, 2021 to August 31, 2022 (or whenever the next elections are held).
The Council would especially like to thank Geoffrey Priems and Quinn McKinney for their service as CVRs over the past year.
Reconciliation Conversation Circle
Scouts Canada is working to provide an updated schedule for our conversation circle on our organization's commitment to Reconciliation. While we have far to go on our journey, it is important to amplify the avenues and opportunities to learn along the way. We encourage you to take a look at the following opportunity for non-Indigenous members to understand what it means to co-exist on this land".
2021-2022 Fundraising Calendar
Scouts Canada Fundraising team is happy to announce the national fundraising dates for 2021-22 Scouting Year. Not only do we have two time-bound campaigns, for the first year ever we will be launching an ongoing campaign for Scout Coffee! As you look to budget for your AWESOME adventures, please build in the below fundraisers as an opportunity to support your Group’s financial health:
- Scout Coffee: Year-Round Campaign – End of Summer 2021 (Release date to be announced soon!)
- Scout Popcorn: October 1st – November 31st, 2021
- Scout Seeds: February 1st – March 31st, 2022
In early September we will be running two fundraising townhalls to share with you all the details and information. If you have any questions in the interim, please email: laura.argument@scouts.ca.
Scouting Family Camping Pilot Survey
Scouts Canada is running a pilot this summer to get the Scouting youth and their families out camping at our beautiful camp properties where the youth can practice and improve their outdoor skills. The Scouting Family Camping pilot program allows families with members registered with Scouts Canada and its Volunteers/Scouters to make use of participating Scouts Canada Camp Properties. We would appreciate your help to determine the possible demand for the pilot in the region of Voyageur Council. Voyageur Council covers eastern Ontario and the Outaouais in Quebec. Within Voyageur Council there are two camps taking part in the pilot program. Each camp property offers a unique experience. Below you will find a link to the camps involved in this survey.
This survey consists of twelve ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ simple and short questions that will only take a few minutes of your time to complete.
Survey: https://tinyurl.com/ScoutingFamilyCampingSurvey
Apple Hill Scout Reserve Website: http://applehillscoutreserve.ca/
Scout Camp Otter Lake QC Website: https://sites.google.com/view/scoutcampotterlakeqc/home
If you have any questions regarding either of the Camps, contact information is available on the websites.
Please note that a copy of this survey will be sent to all Rovers in Council and parents of youth within the next week to gather their feedback as well.
Camp Opemikon Family Adventure Camp 2021
New Booking Options at Opemikon!
Opemikon is now offering 3-night and 2-night cabin packages! For select cabins and weeks, guests may book a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night package OR a Friday and Saturday night package.
Those booking a Cub Field tent-site will now have access to a cub cabin as part of their booking! For more details, click here.
For questions, please contact the Family Adventure Camp Team: summercamp@scouts.ca
Click here to Access the Camp Ope 2021 FAQ
Click Here to Access the Camp 2021 Guide
Youth Leadership Training Opportunities
For Venturers
There are some upcoming youth leadership training opportunities for Cubs, Scouts, and Venturers (open to all Groups in Ontario and Voyageur Council)! These programs will be offered virtually and will take place between July and October of 2021. While the Cub program registration has closed, the Venturer registration is open and the Scout registration will be coming soon.
For more information about the training available to each Section, click on the appropriate button below. Each flyer shows the registration open date for the course, as well as the fee per youth.
Registration is open (as of July 12) for the Venturer Youth Leadership Training course for all Venturers! If your youth would like to register, please visit https://forms.gle/7R5cmtGeoH7445Y59.
Any questions from the individual groups can be sent to Rita-Marie Bechard at rita-marie.bechard@scouts.ca.
We are also looking for volunteers to help run the events, so any Venturers or Rovers that you know that would be interested in helping can send Rita an email and she will connect with them about volunteering.
Click Here to Download the Scout YLT Flyer
Click Here to Download the Venturer YLT Flyer
Behaviour Management Resources
Are your sections struggling with challenging behaviours? Are you finding it hard to work with your younger sections? These are the resources for you!
- Webinar recorded on June 8th 2021, talking about what you will see in your section, what are the triggers, strategies to help and great resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve-88aUye4M
- We have also developed the Mental Health and Behaviour Management Support Resource. It gives you solid strategies to help when working with younger section, youth with Autism, ADHD and anxiety. It also comes with the Child Development Map that helps you determine if the activities that you are doing with your section are age and developmentally appropriate for your youth. Check it out at https://scoutsca.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/06/mental-health-and-behaviour-management-support.pdf
Scouts Canada Announces the Dates for Early Registration for 2022
Just in time to leverage an exciting fall program!
It is with great anticipation that Scouts Canada announces that we will open early registration for the 2022 Scouting Year on September 1, 2021. This is not a new process, for years, Scouts Canada has provided early registration for current and new members in May. The only difference this year is that the dates have changed due to the shift in Registration Year from (September-August) to (January-December).
As in years past, current registered members will have a two-week window to secure their spot with their Group. After which, on September 15, 2021, registration will be open for new and lapsed members. Everyone can register for 2022 when it is convenient for them - all the way into January 2022 and beyond.
The cost of the program will remain the same $230 per child for the year, with $15 per registered youth going back to the Group to fund their adventures (Some Groups may charge extra fees to cover programming)
Exciting Fall Program
Scouts Canada anticipates that most of the country will be able to return to in-person Scouting this September. In addition to the traditional Scouting program that helps develop critical leadership skills, Scouts Canada will be launching an exciting national event in October that invites youth to learn more about sustainability through fun “challenge” type activities. Sections and Groups will be competing for prizes and bragging rights.
In addition to the national event, Scouts Canada is preparing a Scouter and Group Commissioner program to help support our amazing volunteers throughout the fall and into the winter. More info will be released in June and later this summer.
Scouting is Needed Now More Than Ever
Throughout the 2021 Scouting Year, we have been inspired by our volunteers, staff and our youth who have continued to participate in program despite many challenges. Seeing those happy and wonderous faces, learning new skills and mostly just having fun has been rewarding. No other activity offers a non-formal learning program like Scouts. Scouting is not an activity or a setting—it’s a discovery. Leading a variety of fun adventures with friends, Scouts discover what they are capable of and how it connects with the communities in which they live.
For more information, and to check out the 2022 Early Registration FAQ, click on the button below.
Click Here to Check out the 2022 Early Registration FAQ
Scouts Canada National Museum
Although the Scouts Canada National Museum (SCNM) is closed due to Covid, donations of Scouting artifacts are still welcome. They can either be mailed to the National Museum at 1345 Baseline Road, Ottawa, ON, K2C 0A7, or dropped off after making arrangements in advance with Eric Hansen, Facilities Manager. His phone number is 613-818-5375.
Duke of Edinburgh International Award
Calling all Youth 14+ and Scouters!
Calling all 14 + youth that want to step up their Venturing and Rover game! Now is the perfect time to sign up for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. This is an internationally recognized Award. It can be done in parallel with your Top Section Awards.
You get the chance to build new skills, build in healthy habits when doing physical recreation, be of service to your community all while going on adventurous journeys. This award is open to any youth that are 14-25 years irrespective of you are a Scout, Venturer, Rover, or Scouter.
If you are interested in signing up as an Award Leader for your youth or a youth that want to work on the award. Let me know at kelly.logan@scouts.ca.
Call for Applications
National Communications Commissioner
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of youth? Do you have leadership experience in Marketing or Communications? Scouts Canada is seeking a strategic Communications Commissioner, Communications Functional Team to join as a Volunteer member of our Scouting Experience Team. Find out more: https://www.scouts.ca/volunteer/volunteer-opportunities/communications-commissioner-cft.html
First Aid
For Scouters in the province of Ontario, the WSIB (which governs first aid providers) has extended the certification of all individuals whose first aid expired or will expire during the pandemic to December 31, 2021.
This means that re-certification will not be necessary until this date, and Groups can continue to deliver in-person program on that basis. For more information about this COVID extension, please click here.
As restrictions continue to ease, the Council will look to coordinate first aid courses, and you can expect more information to be shared here at a later date. If you have any questions about first aid certifications or future courses, please reach out to me, Alex Gazaleh, Council First Aid Lead, at alex.gazaleh@scouts.ca.