Location: Weyburn
Sponsor: Grace United Church
Beavers-Tuesday 6:30-7:30-basement of Grace United Church
Cubs- Tuesday 6:30-7:30-basement of Grace United Church
Scouts- Mondayday 6:30-7:30-basement of Grace United Church
Ventures- Monday 6:30-7:30-basement of Grace United Church
Micheal Endicott- Group Commissioner
Email: michealendicott@outlook.com
Ph: 306-891-5105
We currently have space for youth to register in the program.
Our group is co-ed. We accept registrations for youth, both boys and girls, ages 5 to 26.
The 5th Weyburn Group runs weekly section meetings, provides year round programming,
including a summer program, promotes camping, outdoor adventuresand scouting activities.