Scouting is for everyone. Regardless of gender, abilities, race, background, belief structures, or any other differences, there is a place for all in Scouting. Wherever a child’s interests may lead them, there are program elements to fit everyone. Financial circumstances should never be what impedes a family’s ability to get the most out of the Scouting program. That is why I am a supporter of the No One Left Behind program and its Mission to ensure that every child can experience the adventures offered through Scouts Canada.
Scouter Dave Wright, Donor and Scouter
Scouting is an integral aspect of life for so many of our youth. It is by both supporting the Scouting youth in the developing countries as well as enabling our youth to be an active part of this worldwide movement that Scouts Canada plays a valuable role in today's world. That is why I support Scouting -- our youth and youth worldwide are the beneficiaries.
J. Neysmith, Donor
Through the years, Scouting has enriched my life in so many ways. It’s part of who I am, what I value and how I live my life. I chose to support Scouting and feel thrilled that my contribution will support Camp programs.
Jane Johnston
I became the Contact Scouter for about 15 years. The Scouters, the parents and most importantly, the Beavers, are the reason I do what I do. Having had a challenging childhood, I am happy to support Scouting because it gave my life a purpose and it made me feel appreciated and respected as a result.
Don Spicer, Alumni
Our family supports the No One Left Behind program because we believe that every child should have the opportunity to participate in Scouting. [No One Left Behind] is especially important because many of the kids who need the Scouting experience the most can’t afford it.