Hiking is an incredible way to challenge yourself physically and mentally while enjoying the beauty of nature. Recently, Scouter Vesna and her two kids, Jonathan (Cub) and Matthew (Beaver), hiked 55 kilometres over the course of 4 months and 12 different hikes as part of the Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge. When asked, Mathew reflected, “I liked looking for mushrooms and hiking with my mom. My favourite part was also finding rocks.”
Well, Mathew, we have great news for you!
Inspired by the Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge, Scouts Canada is launching a NEW Spring/Summer Program Initiative called Scout Trek – Coast to Coast.
Hiking is an incredible way to challenge yourself physically and mentally while enjoying the beauty of nature. Recently, Scouter Vesna and her two kids, Jonathan (Cub) and Matthew (Beaver), hiked 55 kilometres over the course of 4 months as part of the Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge. When asked, Mathew reflected, “I liked looking for mushrooms and hiking with my mom. My favourite part was also finding rocks.”
“I liked looking for mushrooms and hiking with my mom. My favourite part was also finding rocks.”
Mathew continues to add, “Sometimes the hikes were too long, and my feet hurt.” In fact, the brand-new pair of shoes bought at the beginning had very little life by the end. Jonathan reflects on the hikes a bit differently, reflecting that “The most challenging parts of the hike is climbing uphill with my backpack full of water!”
With help from Vesna, the brothers planned their trails in well-known hiking routes along the Bruce Trail through the Niagara Region and Halton Hill in southern Ontario, with extra focus on exploring some fun stops along the way. By the end, Jonathan had set a lofty goal “to finish Bruce Trail before I go to university.”
Well, Jonathan, we have great news for you!
Inspired by the Wilderness Rendezvous Hiking Challenge, Scouts Canada is launching a NEW Spring/Summer Program Initiative Called Scout Trek – Coast to Coast.
Scout Trek offers a variety of ways to move, including hiking, biking, climbing, swimming, sailing, or any way you can think of to go the distance.
When combined with the kilometres of the 38,000+ Scouts across the country collectively, our journey will cross the vast and beautiful landscape of Canada. And visit some great Scout Camps along the way!
Learn more about the Scout Trek Coat to Coast Initiative.
Whether you're an experienced adventurer or just starting out, this initiative offers something for everyone. How far can you test your physical and mental strength and give you a taste of the incredible natural beauty that your part of Canada has to offer?
Scout Trek is designed to challenge you physically and mentally but also to highlight some of our great Scouts Canada Camps across the country. …So, what are you waiting for? Download the Scouter’s Guide and start your adventures across Canada!
Learn More about Scout Trek – Coast to Coast