Imagine a world with no poverty. Support your community by running a clothing drive, volunteering at a local shelter, collecting toiletries for those in need and more.
End Poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Are you ready to lend a helping hand?
With nearly half the world living in poverty, working to eliminate it makes sure that everyone has an equal chance at living a happy and healthy life. Many people in Canada and across the world struggle to have their basic needs, like food and shelter, met. With this goal to end poverty in all forms, Canada is aiming to reduce the national poverty rate by 50% by the year 2030. Let’s work together!
Proper clothing is a basic necessity – especially in cold Canadian winters. Plan a clothing drive to gather warm clothing to make sure everyone stays comfortable and safe in your local community.
How else can you help your community? Can you volunteer at a local shelter? Many shelters could use support with dinner services, packing lunches or just lending a helping hand.
Having to worry about finances is very stressful. Make care packages for individuals or families in need with basic needs, like toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, warm socks, etc. to help with some of their stress.