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Amazing Bridges

Find out how to build your own bridge using unconventional materials.

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  • What materials will you need to build your bridge?
  • How can you make sure you do not make a big mess while making your bridge?
  • Where will you find out how bridges work?


  • Using different unconventional materials (newspaper, spaghetti, etc.), challenge your Lair or Patrol to build a bridge that can hold a certain amount of weight.
  • Figure out what materials and shapes work best.
  • How can you build the strongest bridge using the fewest materials?


  • How much weight was your bridge able to hold?
  • What could you change to make your bridge hold more weight?
  • How does this activity apply to real-life building?
  • Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map

Keep it Simple

  • Start small with a toy car challenge. Reusing an old egg carton, a few pencils or sticks, some rubber bands and whatever other materials you have on hand, try building a structure that can support the weight of a small car.

Take it Further

  • Don’t stop at a miniature bridge—try making one that can hold the weight of a member of your Patrol! What materials could you use to scale your bridge up to support the weight of a person? Invite an engineer in for advice and ideas!