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Build Your Own Rollercoaster

Build the marble roller coaster of your dreams out of paper and tape! Make sure the marble can make it around each turn without flying out!

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  • What materials will you use to build your rollercoaster?
  • Where can you find ideas for your design?
  • How will you keep your marble from flying off of the track?


  • Have you ever wanted to design your own roller coaster?
  • Using simple materials like cardstock and tape, build a roller coaster for a marble.
  • It can be as complicated or as simple as you like, but keep in mind that your marble represents passengers—if it comes flying off of the track, you may need to rework your design!


  • Did your design work how you thought it would? What changes did you need to make?
  • What challenges did you run into while building? What did you do to solve these challenges?
  • How do you think professional designers and builders solve problems when they run into them?
  • Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map

Keep it Simple

  • Building a paper roller coaster can be pretty tricky, so why not start by using other building materials? Could you build a marble roller coaster out of LEGO?

Take it Further

  • How tall can you make your coaster? What elements will you add to it to help compensate for a taller coaster? What materials will you use to reinforce your coaster? How can you make your coaster go from one side of the room to the other?