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Have We Got a Deal for You!

What do you love about Scouting? What would you like others to know about Scouting? It’s time to advertise your Group! As a team, create a television or radio commercial about Scouting. Have a premiere with the rest of your Section to show off your work!

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  • Brainstorm ideas for the television (or radio) commercial.
  • If possible, invite someone who creates advertising for a living to share ideas and experiences with you.
  • Decide on your idea.
  • Write the script for your commercial. Will you use humour? How many actors/voices will be involved? What will be the final line that you want people to remember?
  • Gather props, recording equipment, etc.
  • Arrange for a quiet place to record your commercial.
  • Rehearse the script until you are satisfied that you are ready.


  • Record your commercial.
  • Premiere your work


  • What do you know now that you did not know before?
  • How did your team work together to create the commercial?
  • Did everybody get along? Why or why not?
  • What was challenging about making a commercial?
  • How did you feel about this Adventure?
  • Did you have fun? Why or why not?
  • How would you go about making a commercial if you had to do it again?

Keep it Simple

  • Not sure you’re ready to be on camera? Create a skit or song about why people should join your Group. Present your song to the rest of your Section or your parents!

Take it Further