- What is your purpose for the website? What would you like to share?
- What skills do various members of your team bring to creating a website?
- What skills do you need to learn to create the website? Who can help you learn those skills?
- What tasks need to be done to create the website? Who will do each task?
- Develop your website. Include your favourite stories, videos and photos!
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- Did you have fun? Why or why not?
- How did you feel before, during, and after this project?
- What would you do differently in the future?
- How can you imagine your website evolving?
Keep it Simple
- How do you tell your parents what’s happening in your Section? Write a newsletter (or e-newsletter) to send out to your parents/guardians on a regular basis. Let them know what events are coming up, what cool things you have done and anything else they should know about!
Take it Further
- If your Group does not already have a website, make one! Create a website for your Group and highlight the amazing things that your Group does.