- What do you need to bring for your trip?
- Where are you going to go?
- What is the purpose of your trip? What are your goals?
- How will your trip benefit the community?
- When are you going to go on your trip?
- Using the template provided, create your own plan for activities you can do in your local communities.
- In these plans, you will take your knowledge about climate change and come up with an action a group of youth can do to help your local environment.
- This could be creating a recycling campaign, a litter collection walk, a shore clean-up, or anything you can think of.
- What challenges did you run into while creating your plans?
- Who should you be connecting with before doing your plan?
- What impact are you hoping this plan has on the community?
- How does it feel knowing you are doing good for the local community?
Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map
Keep it Simple
- Work as a group to come up with a plan that everyone will work on together for a project that can be done in the community.
Take it Further
- Create a multi-event series to give back to their community. This gives you the chance to create multiple mini projects, happening over time.
- Take your projects further by becoming "Environmental Event Planners". Create invitations, a schedule for the event, and plan things like decorations and music for the event!