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Variety Show

Change up your regular campfire format! Hold a campfire where you can show off some of your Section’s individual or group talents. Perhaps there are people in your Section who are funny comedians, amazing magicians, talented musicians or who have other, unpredictable talents. Amaze one another with your unique gifts!

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  • When and where will you share this adventure?
  • What gear do you need?
  • Will you follow regular formal campfire etiquette, or do things differently?
  • Will you have a Master of Ceremonies (MC) or campfire host who will put together the program order and introduce acts? Or will you agree on the order together and each act will come forward in turn?
  • How can you Leave No Trace when you’re through with your campfire?


  • Share a memorable variety show campfire and get to know one another’s special talents.


  • What do you know now that you did not know before?
  • Whose talent most amazed you?
  • How were you inspired to develop new talents for yourself? What performing skills would you like to learn?

Keep it Simple

  • Practice ahead of time on a small audience! Invite another Section or your parents to come and watch a dress rehearsal. Test the timing of your acts and see how people enjoy them! Make any changes you need to before performing for your real audience!

Take it Further

  • Variety shows are always more fun with more people! Invite other Sections in your Group or other nearby Sections to join you! Arrange for a multi-group spectacle – you’ll be amazed by the different talents that people have.