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Bylaw: Article VII — Committees and Task Groups

  1. Committees and Task Groups

    1. The Corporation shall have two (2) standing committees, namely, a Nominating Committee and an Audit Committee. The Board may establish other committees and task groups as deemed appropriate and shall assign duties to them on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine.

    2. Except where membership is prescribed, each committee/task group shall be empowered to obtain voluntary assistance, as required, and shall be encouraged to include at least one Youth Member.

    3. A quorum of each such committee/task group shall be a majority of its members.

  2. Nominating Committee

    1. Each year the Chair of the Board shall ensure that a Nominating Committee is formed by the Board and carries out its responsibilities.

    2. The Nominating Committee shall report to the Members and shall be chaired by the Past Chair of the Board. Should no Past Chair be willing and able to serve, the Board shall appoint a chair of the Nominating Committee.

    3. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of the following:

      1. the chair;

      2. the Chair of the Board;

      3. two (2) Members-at-large; and

      4. three (3) Voting Members, one (1) of which will be a Youth Member.

    4. The Nominating Committee shall prepare for presentation to the Annual General Meeting of Members in each year a list of:

      1. Chair of the Board;

      2. Vice Chair of the Board - Strategic;

      3. Vice Chair of the Board Finance;

      4. Past Chair of the Board;

      5. National Youth Commissioner;

      6. National Commissioner;

      7. Up to nine (9) members at large;

      8. Of these fifteen (15) members, at least one member must be from each of BC/Yukon, Alberta/NWT, Saskatchewan/Manitoba, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. At least two members must be from Ontario/Nunavut;

      9. Of these fifteen (15) members at least three members must be between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26);

      10. Honorary Officers and Honorary Members; and 

      11. The Patron Scout, in the event the Governor General, for any reason, is unable to accept the office.

    5. The Nominating Committee shall take into consideration candidates who adequately represent the constituencies served by the Corporation and make recommendations to the Board with respect to any vacancies on the Board.

    6. At least sixty (60) days prior to the annual general meeting of Members, the chair of the Nominating Committee shall circulate to the Voting Members by mail or by electronic means the nominations of the Nominating Committee for positions on the Board accompanied by a curriculum vitae for each such nominee.

    7. Additional nominations for positions on the Board, including additional recommendations for National Commissioner, may be made provided that (a) each nomination is signed by five (5) Voting Members and is accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a written confirmation from the nominee acknowledging that he is willing to serve and that he has an understanding of the position to which he has been nominated and (b) such additional nominations are presented to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, care of the National Office, at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the date of the annual general meeting of Members.

    8. At least fourteen (14) days prior to the annual general meeting of Members, the chair of the Nominating Committee shall circulate to the Voting Members by mail or by electronic means the names of the additional nominees along with their curriculum vitae and the names of their nominators.

  3. Audit Committee -

    1. Each year the Chair of the Board shall ensure that an Audit Committee is formed by the Board and meets at least two (2) times a year.

    2. The Audit Committee shall present an annual report to the meeting of the Board at which approval of the annual financial statements is to be considered.

    3. The Audit Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) members, one of whom shall be the Chair of the Board and may include a majority who are not members of the Board. A member of the Board, not the Vice–Chair of Finance, shall be named as Chair. No employee of the Corporation may be a member of the Audit Committee.

    4. The principal responsibilities of the Audit Committee shall be, but not limited to, the following:

      1. ensuring that the annual audit is carried out in an effective and cost efficient manner;

      2. overseeing the financial and control systems of the Corporation;

      3. recommending to the Board the approval of the annual audited financial statements;

      4. recommending to the Board the appropriate accounting Policies of the Corporation;

      5. performing other audits and reviews and preparing recommendations as requested from time to time by the Board; and

      6. recommending to the Board the appointment of the external auditor, including the audit fee.

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