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Community Partners Policy

Board of Governors Approved May 5, 2018



Defines how we will promote youth development and deliver fun, safe Scouting programs in cooperation with our Community Partners.


Our Commitment

We work with our community partners — organizations, institutions, and associations that promote youth development — to deliver fun, safe Scouting programs.


Our Policy

  1. We issue charters to Scouts Canada Groups to operate one or more section programs (Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts, or Rover Scouts).
  2. We are responsible for:
    1. Providing programs and resources
    2. Screening, appointing, and orienting volunteers
    3. Training volunteers
    4. Offering ongoing training and development
    5. Coaching and supporting volunteers
    6. Providing feedback and recognition
  3. Our Community Partners actively support:
    1. The mission and principles of Scouts Canada
    2. The policies and procedures of Scouts Canada
  4. Our Community Partners actively support Scouts Canada Groups by:
    1. Helping recruit youth and Scouters to ensure continued growth
    2. Helping to find facilities and program resources
    3. Taking an active interest in youth development
    4. Reinforcing Scouts Canada’s safety and youth protection requirements in their community
  5. Through local Scouts Canada Groups, we will regularly review our Community Partner relationships.

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