Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. Developed by Scouts Canada, this well-rounded program offers youth aged 5 to 26 an opportunity to experience new things, to have more adventures, and to develop into confident and capable individuals better prepared for success in the world. From Beaver Scouts to Rover Scouts, the Scouts Canada Program brings Scouting back to its roots by using the Scout Method as its basis. The Scouts Canada’s program is titled ‘The Canadian Path’.
The purpose of this (Canadian Path) Program Standard is to outline the minimum requirements and expectations to deliver, and fully implement, the Canadian Path program.
Our Standards
1. The Standard applies to all Councils, Groups, Sections and other Scouts Canada activities and programs which actively deliver the (Canadian Path) Program to youth participants (e.g. Summer Camps, events, jamborees and adventures).
2. The objective of this Program Standard is to ensure that plans are developed and implemented with full alignment to the Canadian Path program, to ensure consistency, and high-quality program delivery to meet and exceed the expectations of our parents and youth.
3. The Program Standard (requirements): Commissioners and Section Scouters shall ensure the following minimum requirements of the (Canadian Path) program are included in annual section plans and implemented in regular section meetings:
- The Four Elements of the Canadian Path:
- Youth-led
- Plan-Do-Review
- Adventure
- SPICES (Social, Physical, Intellectual, Character, Emotional and Spiritual development)
- The six Program Areas:
- Environment & Outdoors
- Leadership
- Active & Healthy Living
- Citizenship
- Creative Expression
- Beliefs & Values
- The Scout Method as expressed through the following components:
- The Scout Promise and Law:
- Learning by Doing
- Personal Progression
- The Patrol (Team) System
- Scouter Support
- Nature
- Community Involvement
4. Group Commissioners and Contact Scouters (‘Scouters-in-Charge’) are responsible for ensuring:
- The program is directed by youth members – with support and facilitation from Scouters.
- Youth are involved, engaged and committed to the outcomes of the Plan-Do-Review process in an age-appropriate way.
- Programs are conducted in small teams using the Patrol (Team) System as described in the Scout Method.
- Every youth has age-appropriate leadership opportunities.
- The Plan-Do-Review process is used for all Scouting activities.
- Sections have short-term, seasonal, and long-term Program plans
- Program quality is reviewed seasonally using both the Canadian Path Navigator and the Program Quality Assurance (PQA) processes.
- Youth are involved in program review wherever practical.
- Program plans are communicated to stakeholders.
- Scouting activities are adventurous which offer new or unique experience for youth.
- Programs are conducted safely – consideration is given to both physical and emotional safety of all members.
- Activities will address one or more Program Areas.
- Activities will utilise, where appropriate, the Outdoor Adventure Skills (OAS).
- Youth are offered to participate in activities across all six Program Areas annually.
- Personal progression and growth are expressed using the SPICES.
- Personal progression is reviewed with each youth member and Top Section Award participation is both encouraged and supported.
- Parents are encouraged to be engaged in their child/children’s personal development