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Youth Protection Reporting Procedure


Everyone has a duty to ensure the safety of children and youth. We must protect youth from all forms of child abuse — whether physical, sexual, or emotional — and neglect. We must be alert to inappropriate sexual behaviour between youth. We also need to monitor the welfare of youth.

This procedure describes how and when Scouters and other adults act upon and report allegations of abuse, neglect, and concerns about the welfare of children and youth. In the event of any doubt or uncertainty, it is your duty to contact Safe Scouting 1-800-339-6643 (24 hours). The safety and protection of youth must take precedence over all other matters.


Our Procedure

  1. If a young person discloses abuse by someone:

    1. Allow the child to speak freely without interruption, and accept what you are told

    2. Offer reassurance and understanding; do not make any judgment or show emotion

    3. Explain that you can get help and must report the information to authorities

    4. Ensure the child is safe from harm; if there is immediate risk call 911

    5. Write down what you have been told, using the youth’s words when possible. Sign and date your notes.

    6. Ensure that there is no further risk to any child during Scouting activities

    7. Immediately report to:

      1. Provincial child protective services or police

      2. The Safe Scouting Department (1-800-339-6643, 24 hours)

  2. If you are worried about the welfare of a youth or their safety (including neglect, self-harm, homelessness):

    1. Make notes of your concerns, what you saw, heard, or witnessed. Sign and date them

    2. Ensure the child is safe from harm. Call 911 if there is an immediate risk

    3. Immediately report to:

      1. Provincial child protective services or police

      2. The Safe Scouting Department (1-800-339-6643, 24 hours)

  3. If you receive a complaint or allegation about any Scouter:

    1. Immediately inform your Group Commissioner

    2. Make notes of the allegation using the complainant’s words, sign, and date them

    3. Immediately report to:

      1. Provincial child protective services or police

      2. The Safe Scouting Department (1-800-339-6643, 24 hours)

  4. If a complaint or allegation is made about you, immediately inform your Group or Council Commissioner.

  5. When you notify the Safe Scouting Department (1-800-339-6643, 24 hours), you will need to provide all of the information you have. Do not withhold any information.

  6. Anyone has a right to raise concerns or report allegations in confidence without fear of repercussions or other adverse effects.

  7. If you are in any doubt, contact the Scouts Canada Safe Scouting Team. The team can assist with contacting child protective services or police.


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