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Nomination time is here!

April 28, 2021

Would you like to be a Council Voting Representative at Scouts Canada’s Annual General Meeting? Or do you know someone who you would like to nominate? Nominations are open Wednesday, April 28 to Tuesday, May 25, 2021.  

Click on the Nomination Form or FAQ for more details.


Call for Nominations Council Voting Representative for the 2021-22 Scouting Year

Scouts Canada is a corporation created by an Act of Parliament and as required, holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM). There are specific statutory requirements for an AGM including approval of financial statements, appointment of public accountants for the next year’s audit and election of Officers and Directors. To ensure fair and open representation of our membership at the AGM and any special meetings, three Voting Representatives are elected annually to represent each Council.

One of the three Voting Representative positions is reserved for a youth member, but it should be noted that all three Voting Representatives from a Council may be youth members. All members under the age of 27 years on September 1, 2020 are defined as youth.

This year’s Annual General Meeting is planned to be held on Saturday, November 20, 2021. Council Voting Representatives may attend by webcast, video conference, or teleconference. Online voting methods are made available for this purpose.

All Scouts Canada members born on or before December 31, 2007 can be nominated as a Voting Representative and can cast ballots for their Council’s Voting Representatives.

There are two stages for election:

  1. Call for Nominations is open from April 28, 2021 until May 25, 2021.
  2. Voting, where required, will be open from June 8, 2021 and closes on July 5, 2021.



Interested members should complete a Nomination Form. Nominations must be submitted to Laura Jarvis, the National Elections Officer via e-mail no later than midnight local time, May 25, 2021.

Along with nomination form, candidates should provide a Candidate Statement of no more than 750 words for distribution to the Ordinary Members. The Statement should detail the qualifications and experience that equip a candidate to serve as a Voting Representative.

A Candidate must:

  • be an Ordinary Member* and be registered and active within the Council that he or she proposes to represent;
  • be nominated in writing by five Ordinary Members who are registered with the same Council as the Candidate;
  • all Ordinary Members who are 14 years or older during the current calendar year are eligible to vote for their Council voting members, even if they are 13 years old at the time of the election.

* an Ordinary Member is an active participant, volunteer, BP Guild member or Scouts Canada employee in MyScouts. 



Where an election is required in a Council, Scouts Canada uses the Scottish Single Transferrable Vote system where voters rank candidates in order of preference. This means that second, third and fourth place ranking of candidates is used to determine who will be elected. The conducting of the voting and tabulation is outsourced to a third party organization. 

All Ordinary Members born on or before December 31, 2007 may participate in electing their Council’s Voting Representatives. Voting will be online through; please ensure that your MyScouts account is current. Detailed instructions as to how to vote will be distributed closer to the date of the election period.

The National Elections Officer will announce results within seven days after voting closes.


Have questions?

Please review the FAQs.

For more information, please contact Laura Jarvis, National Elections Officer at