At the Scout Troop age, many youth are ready to take on harder challenges related to the Goals and learn more about making strong connections between their activities and the resulting positive impact.
During cycle planning, Scouts should be encouraged to match their activities to different Goals they want to accomplish to work towards overall sustainability. A great way to kick-start Scouts with thinking about the Goals is to introduce the different Goals, have the youth brainstorm what each Goal might mean, and then break into smaller Patrols within the Scout Troop to work through the activities that they’ve already done together – what Goals have they already touched on while participating in Scouting?
After reviewing activities, Scouts should also be encouraged to think critically about what Goals they actually achieved during their adventures, and reflect on whether or not they actually worked towards the Goals they set out to achieve.
What Does This Look Like for Scouts?
Discover the various levels for Scouts to choose from here. Here’s an example of how Scouts can incorporate SDG activities into their Scouting adventures:
Scouter Bethany’s Troop is concerned about how much plastic they use in their lives. They decide to go home and survey all the single-use plastic in their homes. Then, they decide to learn about how they can use less plastic and make their own reusable bags to take to the grocery store with them. One of the Scouts, Thomas, is working on his Chief Scout’s Award and decides to plan a zero-waste camp for the Troop. As they reflect on these adventures, the Scouts realize they have worked towards more Goals than they anticipated. By reducing the amount of waste they create, they worked towards Goal #12 Responsible Consumption and Production.
SDGs and Badges
Youth are welcome to count projects towards the Sustainability Badge and other badges they’re working on, including Personal Achievement Badges and Outdoor Adventure Skills.
Scouts can be encouraged to consider what SDGs might connect to their Chief Scout’s Award project, or they can select an SDG and base their Chief Scout’s Award around that topic.
Not sure where to start? The Personal Achievement Badges offer some great project ideas that link directly to different SDGs. Use the chart below to see how Personal Achievement Badges and Outdoor Adventure Skills connect to the SDGs!