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How Can We Help?

Did you know that approximately 35,000 people in Canada are homeless each night? Put together care packages to help people who are struggling with homelessness in your communities.

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  • What should you include in your care packages?   
  • What supplies would be useful for a person experiencing homelessness?  
  • Where will you deliver your care packages? What organizations provide support for people experiencing homelessness in your community?  


  • Start by making a list of essentials you want to include in your care packages. Some commonly needed essentials include toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, and hand sanitizers. What else should you include? 
  • Next, decide how you will collect the supplies. You could ask for donations or have a fundraiser! 
  • Now you can start putting together your care packages. Put the essentials inside of a bag and don’t forget to include a kind note! 
  • Deliver your care packages to an organization that provides support for people struggling with homelessness and feel good knowing that you are helping people in your community! 


  • Why do you think a person might experience homelessness?  
  • What other resources are available for people experiencing homelessness in your community?  
  • What else can you do to help people experiencing homelessness?
  • Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map


  • Bags (Ziploc bag, backpack, purse, etc…) 
  • Essentials (ex: socks, hand sanitizer, toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues, etc…)  
  • Paper 
  • Writing utensils  

Keep it Simple

If you don’t have time to create care packages you can donate individual items. Commonly needed items include toothbrushes, hand sanitizers, socks, and wet wipes. 

Take it Further

Once you have made your own care packages, create posters to teach others about how to help people experiencing homelessness. Include information about homelessness in Canada and explain what steps they can take to help.