- What are some things you want to achieve this year?
- What can you do to accomplish them?
- What challenges will you have to accomplishing them and what can you do to overcome those challenges?
- Do you need help achieving them?
- What resources do you need in order to achieve your goals?
- Gather everything that you need to make your board. Use images of what you want to accomplish. (E.g., the toy that you have been longing for. The bike in the make and colour you want.) These can be found in magazines, online, from old books.
- After you have made your board, make a list of all the ways that you can fulfil your goal. (e.g. I could do more chores around the house sand save up for that bike.)
- Look at all the challenges that you could have and work out a way around those challenges.
- Display your board in a place that you can see it every day so that you remember what you are working towards.
- What part of making the board did you like the most?
- How did it focus you on getting what you want?
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- What would you do differently next time?
Remember to submit your activities on our Scouts for Sustainability Take Action Map
Poster Board, Glue, Magazines, Card, Scissors, Pens
Keep it Simple
Gather lots of images if you can, otherwise drawings can be fun too.
Take it Further
You might want to make your board into a screensaver on your computer/ phone so that every time you open your computer you will see it.