- Which adventure will you review using Thor’s hammer?
- What will you use as Thor’s hammer?
- Sit in a circle and pass Thor’s hammer from person to person. Only the person holding Thor’s hammer can talk.
- Take a moment to share what was fun in an adventure. How can you make things even better next time?
- Then pass Thor’s hammer to the next person and listen politely.
- Everyone should contribute to the review. It is okay to repeat what another person said when you have Thor’s hammer.
We don’t usually review a review. When your Section tries a different way of doing things, it can be a good idea to see if you want to do it again another time.
Keep it Simple
Sharing their thoughts in a big circle might be scary for some people. You can always do this activity in small groups if that is better for people.
Take it Further
Try a different review activity, like Roses and Thorns or Gallery Walk!