Timeline |
Jan. to May 2024 (Complete) |
Jun. to Sep. 2024 (In Planning) |
Oct. to Dec. 2024 (Not Started Yet) |
Jan. to Mar. 2025 (Not Started Yet) |
Apr. to Jun. 2025 (Not Started Yet) |
Jul. to Sep. 2025 (Not Started Yet) |
Oct 2025. to Mar. 2026 (Not Started Yet) |
What we will do |
We will create a way to make a plan that gets ideas from people in and outside of Scouting. |
We will find out what is currently working, what is not and, what the public thinks to help us decide what we want to achieve. |
Together, we will craft a clear & exciting Vision for the future. |
We will co-design ways to make our vision a reality. |
We will check back in with a draft plan to make sure it works for our members and families outside of Scouting. |
We will tell everyone about the new plan — inside & outside of Scouts. |
We will put resources in place for Local Scouting, Councils and National Teams to act on the plan and we'll monitor to make sure it is working. |
How you will be involved |
You will review the proposed process and principles that will guide it. Your input will help us understand where there is support and what we need to change or amplify. |
You will be able to tell us what information you need to come up with great ideas for our next plan. You will help us decide what insights and findings we need to learn more about and discuss as a movement. |
You will participate in a National conversation to co-design Scouts Canada’s strategic vision through local and online events. |
You will come up with great ideas that will bring our Vision to life. |
You will be able to comment on the draft plan and say whether it reflects what we heard. |
You will be provided the tools and support to tell everyone about our new plan. |
You will tell us what you need to act on the plan — whether you are a young person, Section Scouter, Group Commissioner, Council Key 3 member or staff. |