- Is there a nearby ski hill at which you can set up a course?
- When is a good time to pursue this adventure?
- What equipment do you need? Where can you get some if you don’t have any?
- What questions do you have for the ski hill operator? v
- Competitive alpine skiing is done in gates. Find a ski hill that offers gate training and a competitive program.
- Contact the ski hill to set up a time you can go with your fellow Scouts. Set up your gates and learn how to ski a course!
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- How did you feel before, during and after skiing the course?
- How does skiing through gates differ from regular free skiing?
- How well did you work together to set up and tear down the course?
- What challenges did your team face, and how did you overcome them?
- If you were to go out again, what would you do differently?
Keep it Simple
- If you are not comfortable enough on skis to try ski racing, or if there are people on your team who have never skied before, start by organizing a ski day for your team!
- If skiing isn’t your style, set up a toboggan slalom course and race down it on sleds. Remember to wear a helmet while sledding!
Take it Further
Find a local alpine ski team or league and learn the requirements needed to become a member!