- What game will you play?
- How will you decide?
- How will you choose the referees?
- What equipment is needed for the game?
- What equipment is needed for the referees?
- When and where will you play the game?
- Will you review the rules so that everyone has the same understanding?
- Decide on a game to play.
- Select one referee per team.
- The referees should explain the rules of the game, to make sure that everyone knows the rules and agrees on them.
- The two referees will work together to agree on calls so that everyone can enjoy a fun, fair game.
- If the referees make a mistake or two, keep in mind that their mistakes are honest ones. Nobody is perfect!
- What do you know now that you did not know before?
- How did the players treat the referees?
- As referees, how did it feel to make the calls?
- Was the game fun with referees, or would it be more fun without them? How come?
- What would you do differently next time?
Keep it Simple
Agree on all of the rules to a game, then take turns being the referee. Make sure that everyone gets a turn to try out being a referee!
Take it Further
Make this on ongoing activity! Each week, a new person should bring a game to the meeting. Teach the rest of your group the rules and then run the game for them!