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Youth Adventure Challenges


Are you ready for a Challenge?

These past youth Challenges are a great resource for Scouters looking to energize their weekly meetings or to focus on various program initiatives, like Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or winter Outdoor Adventure Skills.  If your Section or Group didn’t have a chance to participate in the Challenges when they were running, all the details and information is here for you to run the Challenge with your Section yourself.  Most of the Challenge crests can also still be ordered on

Sasquatch Seekers

Embark on a journey of investigation and discovery into the heart of the deepest and darkest Canadian wilderness, where an elusive creature, the Sasquatch, may wait. Is it a mythical legend or a real living being? As this four-week mystery unfolds, it's up to you and your fellow Scouts to uncover the truth.

As you delve into the wilderness, keep your eyes peeled for clues left behind by this mysterious creature. Some have reported finding fur hanging from trees and bushes, unexplainable footprints embedded in the snow, and remnants of half-eaten meals scattered throughout the landscape. The air is thick with anticipation as shadows dance in the twilight, leaving you wondering if you're alone in the wilderness.


Sasquatch Seekers

Scout Trek — Coast to Coast

Can you get from one side of Canada to the other? Maybe even as far as the other side of the World? The opportunities are endless!

Working together with your friends in Scouting, how far can you collectively travel as a Patrol or a Group? Can you make it from the west coast of British Columbia all the way to Canada’s east coast in Newfoundland? How far can we go if all the Scouts in Canada work together?


Scout Trek

Dragon Trail Quest

The dreaded Dragon has woken from its 100-year slumber and is wreaking havoc in all the land. Only the Cosmo Crest can lull the Dragon back to sleep! Can you find the Cosmo Crest by Week 4?

Over four weeks (non-chronological activities), youth must find the Cosmo Crest by navigating a map of the land—with fun challenges along the way! The Dragon Trail Quest will bring Sections on a five-week voyage, traversing the mystical lands of a fantastical world to face challenges as a team, discover their personal strengths and find a way to lull the Dragon back to sleep, saving the land. In Week 5, Sections can look forward to celebrating the Dragon’s defeat with a hosted (or planned) event of their choosing.


Dragon Trail Quest

Claim the flame Challenge

The Claim the Flame Challenge is all about team work, creativity and ingenuity! This four-week challenge is focused specifically on Winter Outdoor Adventure Skills. Groups not only work towards their Stage 1, 2 or 3 winter OAS badge requirements but also the coveted Challenge crest! There are two Challenge options for youth to select from each week. It’s a little like ‘Choose your own Adventure’. This Challenge is designed so that all the weekly options are known up-front so youth can map out their weekly Challenges as a team, get excited about the activities that are coming up and be part of the PLAN-DO-REVIEW process. Have fun and let the games begin!


Claim the Flame

Around the World in 60 Days

The world is waiting, are you ready to rove around the world? In this eight-week Challenge, Sections ‘visit’ eight different countries, develop new skills through fun challenges and support their communities and the planet by leading exciting Scouts for Sustainability activities. With the help of a symbolic transporting compass, imagine that your Scout Group can ping around the globe to different destinations quickly. In each country you’ll be faced with a challenge or a fun activity to champion as a Section. Once completed, your Section can collect a crest for that week and eventually curate the full composite crest!


Rove around the World

The Great 8 Challenge

The one that started it all - the Great 8 Challenge! Loosely based on Les Stroud’s book, Wild Outside, this eight-week challenge takes youth on an epic outdoor adventure, from shelter building, to foraging for edible plants, to learning how to gather drinkable water, this Challenge is truly made for Scouts. With a video for each of the eight weeks featuring Survivorman himself, they’re great inspiration for getting outside and putting those skills to the test! And the eight-part crest is pretty cool too!


Survive with Les

Stay Tuned for more Exciting Upcoming Challenges!